With the violent attacks and killings that engulfed the on the good, peace loving industrious and hospitable people of Daffo Community Bokkos LGA in Plateau State which left dozens killed, houses razed and property worth millions destroyed, the Plateau State PDP Youth Network has visited the Internally Displaced Persons from Daffo.

The visit which took place today Saturday, 17th March, 2017 saw the youth from the city capital, Jos to the IDPs Camp situated in COCIN RCC Headquarters Bokkos, Bokkos LGA.

Leader of the delegation, a former State House of Assembly Aspirant of Pankshin North Constituency and Trustee to the group, Arc. Hart Bankat sympathized with the people and told them they were there to pray with them, empathize with them, encourage them and support them materially with what God has blessed them with.

Arc. Bankat tasked the people to go closer to the God, united and be prayerful. He said it is unfortunate that people are being attacked, houses and property destroyed without arrest for prosecution.
He went further to say they are not there for politicking as these are not campaign times.
Arc. Hart said lives should be respected and protected which remain cardinal duties of government as sworn by those in elective.

He said they will be happy if peace is restored and justice is served to serve as deterrent to others.

He told the people to be encourage as this should not affect their faith in God but should continue to believe the future will be better as history has recorded the events which future generation will use in how they will live in the nearest future.

He called on government, NGOs and well spirited individuals to come to the aid of the people who are suffering innocently on account of the attacks carried out on them. He said he pray such ugly situation will not repeat itself while calling on government at all levels and security to be proactive, demonstrate professionalism and show political will towards curbing the incessant attacks, killings and forceful takeovers of lands by militants.

He went further to charge government to start the process of rehabilitating the people so that they can go back to the various economic activities, live peaceful and safer lives.

He further thanked the men of God and the affected persons for the warmed reception and said what affects them affects humanity in general. He prayed that God will grant eternal rest to those who lost their lives, solace to the families and speedy recovery to those injured.

Rev. Samuel Matawal Masok who received the youth was full of appreciation for what he termed thoughtful and strategic visit by helping the displaced persons with their immediate physiological needs.
He went further to bless the youth and asked God to replenish where the assistance came from.
He went further to task the youth to keep praying for the people of Daffo as the attackers are still causing havoc on the people.

He said with the visit, he is optimistic that the State has visionary and passionate youths who knows the problems facing the State.

He also call on government and other good individuals to come to their aids.

Other elders who spoke thanked the youth for coming to their aid irrespective of any affiliation and the show of love, empathy and concern about their predicaments.
They said they are happy with the visit as it depicts sense of unity, togetherness and brotherliness. The elders thanked God for blessing the State with you whose interest in aimed at unity Plateau State.

Rev. Masok prayed for the visiting youth, wish them the best in life and journey mercies back to Jos.

Some of the IDPs who spoke to Viewpoint Nigeria said the attacks and killings were inhuman, wicked and callous. They said their present predicaments are unpleasant but are thankful to God for bringing the youth to assist them while being optimistic they will leave the camp to their communities to continue with their economic activities.

Among the youth who visited include Mr. Nengak Emmanuel, Sandra Yilgwan, Miss Nanbam Kasuwa the PDP Councillorship Aspirant for Mushere Central Ward, Dachung Pam, Yabal Fwangshak Ceebase, D’yong Mangut, Magit Mangut Mafiyai and others.

Items given to the displaced persons are sleeping mats, blankets, washing soaps, sanitary pads, toilet papers, detergents, clothes, shoes, wrappers and or other items.

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Plateau State PDP Youth Network Visits Daffo IDPS in Bokkos LGA with Relief Materials

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.