nHub Nigeria Announces Major Changes in its Management Structure

In order to pave way for greater success nHub Nigeria has announced the rejig of its management structure.

In a statement signed and made available to this medium by the Chief Executive Officer of nHub, Mr. Theodore Longji the former Chief Financial Officer of nHub Foundation, Mr. Eric Nanle will take over as Executive Director of nHub Foundation.

Mr. Bashir Sheidu who before now was the Executive Director of the nHub Foundation will now oversee the operations of both nHub Nigeria and the nHub Foundation as Chief Operating Officer (COO).

Mr. Nanle said the changes are necessary for the transformation and continuous improvement of the organization. He went further to say the changes will aid the organization to deliver its mandate more efficiently.

“These changes are effective immediately. We wish you the best in your new roles, and we believe that you will continue to perform with the same enthusiasm and vigor that you have shown” he hinted.

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nHub Nigeria Announces Major Changes in its Management Structure

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.