Misrepresentation of Facts on Alleged Commissioning of Classrooms at Pilot Sci. Pri. Sch. Sabon-Gida, Langtang South – PLSUBEB

                                11th March, 2020


Our attention has been drawn to a face book post credited to the Former Minister of Youths and Sports development, Barr. Solomon Dalung alluding to an organized recommissioning of two blocks of classrooms at the Pilot science Central Primary School Sabon-gida in Langtang South LGA of the State.

Putting the record straight:
The State Universal Basic Education Board is by the edit establishing it the custodian of all public primary schools in the State and serves as the policy implementation agency in the management and regulation of the schools in accordance with International best practices.

Consequently, since the advent of the present administration of His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Barr. Simon Bako Lalong in Plateau state, deliberate measures have been put in place, in the face of other challenges, by his government towards uplifting the education sector, especially at the level of basic education delivery to the children of the state. These conscious efforts culminated in the Plateau SUBEB providing over one thousand, four hundred and sixty (1,460) newly constructed blocks of classrooms in addition to the ones renovated in communities cutting across the three senatorial zones of the State within the last four years.

It should also be established that Langtang South within this period got the following allocations; construction and renovation of 41 blocks of classrooms, over 3040 tables and chairs, 1 Hilux vehicle for monitoring, a motor cycle and other learning materials including sports equipment.

One other critical role of the Board is that of canvassing and attracting partnership from spirited individuals and organizations to augument government’s effort. This is a practice that is well known all over the world and is being encouraged, due to the huge investments required in funding education. Hence the UBE slogan “Education for all, is the responsibility of all”. So it was nothing strange that individuals that included the Former Minister offered a helping hand to his community in that direction. However, it also follows that, the Board deserves to be officially informed before, during or after such interventions are made by any individual or group, which was not the case here.

Now, what really transpired. The Board relates very cordially with Education Secretaries who are considered its watchmen at the Local Government Education Authorities, which is equally in line with the provision of the edit establishing the Board.

A month ago, during one of the Board’s management meetings with the seventeen Education Secretaries, three of them from Barkin Ladi, Mikang and of course Langtang South, reported of some interventions in their areas of jurisdiction by certain groups and individuals. This attracted commendation from members of management, though the donors identities and project locations were not known at the time.

To that end, the three concerned Education Secretaries where requested to furnish the Board with details upon which they did as follows:

Mikang LGEA: Construction of a block of 3 classrooms/office/store and furnished with 25 sets of dual desk at LEA primary school Pakbut, Garkawa.

Barkin Ladi LGEA: Construction of two classrooms block with an office and the purchase and installation of computers and printers, by Nigeria Building and Road Research Institute at Gashish facilitated by Chief Dr. Jonah Madugu (Dan Masanin Jos).

Langtang South: Construction of 2 blocks of combined six classrooms at Pilot science Central Primary school Sabon-gida, by Hon. Barr. Solomon Dalung.

Consequent upon receiving the information above, management decided to send representation to formally receive the three projects and not to commission as being alleged. In addition to the takeover of the projects, management delivered to all three donors letters conveying government’s appreciation for their kind gestures.

At the three project sites, representatives of the donors were on hand which included Hon. Solomon Selcap Dalung’s proxy, the Ponzhi Sabon-gida HRH Bamaiyi Magaji Fakdul who did not only convey Hon. Dalung’s apology for being absent at the brief ceremony for ill-health but in return appreciated the SUBEB team for coming to carry out the exercise. Other dignitaries at the occasion were the Local Government Council Chairman, represented by the supervisory councilor for Education Barr. Nansak Nimsel, while the Education Secretary coordinated proceedings.

During the brief ceremony, it is on record that no reference was made to the “Lalong Legacy projects” which of course was not necessary. The “Lalong Legacy project” are entirely separate interventions not only limited to the school system but encompasses the health sector. The projects are well designed and are being constructed to provide an enduring legacy not just for the government but the inhabitants of the State.

Of the three projects that were taken over, two had actually been put to use at the time of our visit and they are the ones at LEA Pakbut and Kuzen in Gashish. The one at the Pilot Science Central Primary school Sabon-gida was not in use because the donation was not accompanied by furniture as is the tradition in all intervention efforts of SUBEB/UBEC.

While the SUBEB still maintains its position of showing gratitude to all donors, it is expedient to note that, the Sabon-gida Pilot Science Central primary school requires more attention from both the government and those who were direct beneficiaries of the school by being mentored there. The representative of Hon. Solomon Dalung attested to this position when presenting his remarks and that the school needs more support. He requested for a perimeter fence and water supply for the school. The project in Kuzen has a complete set of computers and accessories for which the pupils have commenced use. That of Pakbut, though without computers, all classrooms are fully furnished.

We wish to state here that the statement credited to the Hon. Former Minister, is not in tandem with what actually took place in Pilot Science Central Primary School Sabon-gida. The management of the Board duly acknowledged that the project was built and donated by him, for which encomium was poured on him. It is not fair to misrepresent facts for personal gains against a Board whose only mission there was to express the appreciation of government.

We also feel that those who were there at the occasion especially the community leaders should have given Hon. Solomon Dalung a balanced commentary of what took place on that day. However, for the avoidance of doubt, activities that characterized our visits to the various communities were these donated projects are sited was aired in the News bulletin of PRTVC of Wednesday 3rd March, 2020, I am sure this can be confirmed.

The Board is not in competition with any individual or group but it is desirous to see that on-going efforts of the Lalong administration which has changed the face of public schools within its life span is sustained. These efforts have resulted to the rising profile of the State in national examinations. Evidences of these abound of the children in our public schools being adjudged the best in the country based on reading, writing and numeracy by the Universal Learning Solution of the United Kingdom. The state contingent represented Nigeria in an International debating competition in India, 2019. Other laurels that have been won include Spelling Bee and the Mathematics National Competition trophies including a host of others. The Board wishes to state categorically that, the construction of storey buildings as classroom models as mentioned by the Former Minister does not take away the pride of the state in achieving academic successes. The two states mentioned as being credited for the model classroom structures are not anywhere near Plateau state in academic excellence. Perhaps, it may be necessary to comprehend the indices of educational inputs for achievable outcomes.
We call on all to support these efforts of government while equally welcoming any constructive criticisms that will add value to the process of building a new and virile plateau state.

Richard Jonah,
Head Public Relations,
Plateau SUBEB.

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Misrepresentation of Facts on Alleged Commissioning of Classrooms at Pilot Sci. Pri. Sch. Sabon-Gida, Langtang South – PLSUBEB

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.