Jos:Terrorist attack killed 33 in zangam village

zangam village is a nearby village behind the University of Jos, Naraguta campus. The Anaguta youth movement, leader Zangam District, Comrade. Samson Haruna confirmed to VPN News that about 33 people are confirmed dead with many houses set ablaze.

Eyewitnesses say the terrorist invaded the community early at about 8 pm on Tuesday burning houses and shooting anyone on sight. the community says it is the Fulani terror group, the eye witness added

Sources also confirmed the attackers had disabled the bridge leading to the Anaguta community preventing any access to help before launching their terror attacks.

Pictures shows an entire family burnt alive in their homes while others who sustained injuries are being treated in the hospital.

This attack is barely 24 hours that the executive Governor of the plateau state visited the president with the claim that normalcy has now been restored in the state. There are high criticisms from the governor lalong visits to the President as many think differently about the issues the governor presented to the president.

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Jos:Terrorist attack killed 33 in zangam village

| Insecurity |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic