Christian Group Decries Military Harassment and Ransacking of Berom Communities


Nigerian military under the auspices of Operation Safe Haven popularly known as STF has ceded itself to ransacking of many Berom communities that have resisted territorial expansionist agenda of Fulani’s agitation if ethnic cleansing.

The plan, based on directive given from APC’s high political elements and some military high command (all Muslims), is that the awaited Local Government Councils Elections in Berom Local Government Areas will resist any form of impositions if the plan is not implemented.

Another side of the plan as agitated by Fulani herdsmen has it that ransacking of Berom communities will definitely pave way for the herders to, with no resistance, overrun villages like Rim, Sho, Fan, Gassa, Kwi, Jol and Bachi axis.

From the source, the target communities also include Du, Foron, Kwata of Zawan, Gyel, Haipang, Sopp and Vom with Kuru.
Most importantly is a plan by Nigeria Government to withdraw the military due to dissatisfaction cried out by Christian communities that there is clear compromise and complicity on the side of the Government Security agents. The withdrawal scheme has been penciled down to be done shortly after rendering the target villages and communities vulnerable.

The information has it that the action is to commence from this night, 15/10/2018 up to two weeks to ensure that all the earmarked places are rendered most vulnerable for the forth coming full blown jihad about to be kick-started.

Nigerians, especially the Beroms are to be watchful of a false alarm and posture that would be presented by the military that Fulani settlements are equally ransacked, for the deal has already been settled with the Fulani with even pictures and videos of arms recovered so that the world will believe the operation as fair across all ethno-religious borders but it is just an eye-service and falsity.

This is to give Fulani a field day for unusual attacks that will leave Berom land under the Mercies of the attackers.
Arise oh Christians! The end is at hand, for Islamic forces have arisen to ensure that the church of God on the Plateau is brought to extinction!

Don’t ever think it’s a war declared against Berom, but it’s a systematic process of divide and strike strategy that is gradually eaten up the church and Middle Belt region as well as Nigeria as a whole.

Arise oh people of God, and decree that the jihadist agenda should backfire on the Nigerian military forces who have been deployed with Motorcycles to deep out the plan as arranged


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Christian Group Decries Military Harassment and Ransacking of Berom Communities

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.