Appeal Court Ruling: Former Governor Jonah Jang Says Report of Him Asking Gov. Mutfwang to Resign False

Former Governor of Plateau State and Senator Plateau North from 2015-2019, Da Sen. Jonah David Jang has described as untrue and misleading report of him advising Governor Caleb Mutfwang to resign following the Appeal Court’s verdict which nullified his election on Sunday 19th November, 2023.

In a statement signed by his Media Consultant, Cmr. Clinton Garuba and made available to this medium, Sen. Jang said the write-up is false and only exist in the imagination of the writer, Bulus Deme who he said doesn’t exist in the staff list of Vanguard Newspapers.

The full rejoinder reads:


Our attention has just been drawn to a publication purportedly issued by a certain Bulus Deme, who claims to be reporting for Vanguard Newspaper, where he alleged that Senator (Dr) Jonah David Jang advised Governor Caleb Mutfwang to resign, amongst other fabricated stories in what can be best described as daydreaming. Interestingly, the so-called Bulus Deme does not exist in the Vanguard newspaper staff list.

We initially wanted to ignore the publication, believing strongly that readers would easily pick holes in the story and disregard the falsehood being deliberately peddled, knowing the integrity of the former governor and his love for democracy and good governance, which has been the hallmark of Barrister Caleb Mutfwang government since assuming office on the 29th of May, 2023 but for the misleading statement and the fact that some gullible readers will mistake it for truth. To avoid doubt, the entire write-up is completely false and only exists in the writer’s imagination.

We are not unaware of the devilish attempts to compromise the judiciary by forces of darkness who are bent on subverting the will of the Plateau people who freely voted for PDP in the last election and voted out the APC that spent eight years doing nothing in the interest of the plateau people but disparaged the very people they claimed to govern, shared our common patrimony amongst themselves, destroyed almost every good thing they inherited, almost made us second class citizens in our God-given land, it was indeed a complete wasted eight years.

It is absurd that anyone would even imagine that Senator Jang would ever think of advising Governor Caleb Mutfwang, who is raising the bar of governance to a new level, to hand over to a group of vampires whom the people of Plateau have rejected. It goes without saying that APC is bent on taking power through the back door. We believe our God never sleep nor slumber and will not allow us to return to Egypt as a state and people. Asking a Government that has spent only six months in government and has already surpassed the achievement of Lalong’s APC-led eight years government to resign is unthinkable.

Senator Jonah Jang, like other well-meaning lovers of democracy, is at a complete loss as to why the Appeal court took a decision that contradicts the 2023 electoral act and other decided cases by the Supreme Court. He believes that the judgement of Sunday, 19th November, is a total miscarriage of Justice, and as a firm believer in the judiciary, Senator Jang holds the belief that the highest court of the land will reverse this great injustice.

While Senator Jang does not support disparaging their lordships, as observed in the protest that greeted the previous judgements, we all saw how difficult it was for the judges to justify their positions and how hard they tried to explain their actions due to public outcry.

Senator Jang calls on the good people of Plateau State to remain peaceful and calm and channel their energies into praying to God. Yahweh will not fail us, and we trust in him alone.

Clinton Garuba
Media consultant to Senator Jonah Jang
November 23rd 2023.

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Appeal Court Ruling: Former Governor Jonah Jang Says Report of Him Asking Gov. Mutfwang to Resign False

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.