We are committed to deliver Nentawe  come 2023-Anaguta youth Vanguard…

A group known as Anaguta Vanguard for Generation Next, today affirmed its commitment to a work and ensure the victory of Dr. Nentawe G. Yilwatda come 2023.

The group coordinator, Mr. Yaki Musa states that, the Anaguta nation’s future is secure with Nentawe and hence they will mobilize massively in all their communities, and particularly Narguta B ward massively for the success at the polls.

The banner is massively produced and shared with the writing in anaguta

Additionally, the group leader states that ,with the leadership, the Ujah Anaguta is giving in Jos North, the Anaguta people will massively support prof.Nentawe to consolidate on the gains so far .


In a similar Spirit,the representative of Dr. Nentawe, Mr. Kelvin Pankshin while thanking the community leaders for the massive turn out and promise the community that Dr. Nentawe is for all and the generation Next is for the peace and progress of Plateau state.

Again, Mr . Pankshin promise the community that Soon they will meet and discuss with the candidate, Prof Nentawe Yilwatda as requested.

Pictures making the news.



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We are committed to deliver Nentawe come 2023-Anaguta youth Vanguard…

| Politics |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic