Trouble Looms as Gov. Lalong’s Brother Orders APC Media Team to Return Tablets

  • Trouble looms in Governor Lalongs camp as governors brother order SAs, others to return tablets & other media devices given to them to defend the government on the social media.

    This move was born out of deep suspicion that some SAs are secretly working for the PDP gubernatorial flag bearer for the 2019 general elections sen Jeremiah Useni.

    The governors brother on a phone call placed to one of the SAs threatened to deal with any of the suspected special assistants who fails to adhere to his order.

    When contacted, one of the beneficiaries who wouldn’t want his name in print said those tabs were given to them by governor Lalong’s younger brother to promote the governors image on the social media but he was surprised when he got a call from their leader in the group asking him to return his tablet. He said he was surprised that a member of the first family can behave so irresponsibly as to ask them to turn in their devices which is something never heard before in politics.
    Asked if he has turned in his tablet, he said, “I will do so as soon as possible but he was disappointed that his loyalty was rewarded with suspicion & went as far as showing this reporter his post promoting the governor which he made only 3days ago.

    Calls placed to the governors brother to confirm the authenticity of this story were not picked.

    More details to this story will be released as they unfold.

    Source: John Chollom Dung

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    Trouble Looms as Gov. Lalong’s Brother Orders APC Media Team to Return Tablets

    | Politics |
  • About The Author
    - Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.