Tension in Dong Village as natives said to have confronted Fulanis in the area

News reaching ViewPointNigeria indicates that there is severe tension in Dong village which borders Jos North/Bassa. Aggrieved youths are said to have arisen and confronted herdsmen in the neighbouring areas.

Yet to be confirmed reports, suggests that gun shots were heard around the Rafiki area and many people seen fleeing. The gunshots it was confirmed, were emanating from Fulani settlements, who have equally risen up to repel natives who had arrived to confront them to demand answers.

As at the time of filing this report at 7:50 am, rapid gunfire could still be heard in the Rafiki/Dong areas. Our reporters who were standing on adjacent hills around Rantya watching from a distance – confirmed seeing people dressed in “all-black” shooting rapidly.

See the pictures taken by our reporters this morning at 8:10 am (on Wednesday 14th March 2018). Burning of houses can be seen from the billowing smoke.

Stay with ViewPointNigeria as we obtain more details.

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Tension in Dong Village as natives said to have confronted Fulanis in the area

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