Still on Bassa Massacre – Chris Gyang

The bloody, heinous, massacre in Bassa took place the day before Gov. Lalong’s state-wide broadcast but he didn’t say a word about it!! This is the height of insensitivity from a government that has totally lost touch with its suffering masses.

Recall that this was not the first time these hapless citizens were bearing the brunt of such attacks within the week the state government imposed a total lockdown.

Apparently, the governor, just like his godfather, Buhari, have finally, completely, abandoned their subjects to the violent reign of armed herdsmen, B/Haram & their affiliates and bloodthirsty bandits who roam free in most of Nigeria’s northern states.

But, like we’ve always maintained, the Nigerian people must hearken to T.Y Danjuma’s well meaning and well thought out counsel and seek ways of protecting themselves because the Nigerian Establishment has consistently failed to live up to its constitutional obligation on that score.

And the reasons for this are political expediency and a conspiracy towards the annexation of indigenous lands by people who feel that certain lush native lands must be converted to grazing fields for their herds, willy nilly.

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Still on Bassa Massacre – Chris Gyang

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.