State of the Nation: We Need to Close Rank to Stop the Drift Towards Anarchy – Rt. Hon. George Daika

State of the Nation: We Need to Close Rank to Stop the Drift Towards Anarchy.

Across the breadth and length of Nigeria, despair and anguish pervades. Their trust on Government keeps on eroding as the days go bye.

The primary responsibility of Government is the protection of lives and properties. Sadly, the opposite is what is obtainable today.

The snatching of the Nigerian Senate mace by hoodlums under the nose of security agencies deployed to the National Assembly confirms the allegations levelled against the Nigerian Security by Gen. Theophilus Danjuma.

The report released by the United States Government indicting the Buhari led Administration of Human Rights Abuse reflects what many concerned Nigerians have been saying about this Government. A responsible Government ought to have been remorseful after the report had been published but alas, the reverse is the case. It explains why the Government will deploy scores of Security personnel to arrest Senator Dino Melaye, but yet cannot deploy securities to apprehend the criminals engaged in ethnic cleansing.

When criminals who undermine the capacity of the State are allowed to flourish unabated, it means Government has failed and maybe an active collaborator in criminal activities.

Our Nationalists who fought for our independence will be dissapointed with how we have managed our affairs as a country. The Leadership failure stinks!

History is the greatest teacher to man. Those who fail to learn from it learn the hard way. When the people are pushed to the wall, their reactions become unpredictable and could be dire.

Every responsible Government concerns itself with its image before its people and the world in General. In our own case, we now have a leadership at the Federal level which specialise in rubbishing our image as a country before the world. This is bad and counterproductive to attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Nigeria.

This isn’t what we envisaged in 1999 when we returned to democratic rule. We had high hopes of a brighter and prosperous Nigeria.

It is a pity that gains achieved before 2015 have been eroded. As a people, we can’t continue in this direction. We need to make this country to work so we can effectively tackle the scourges of poverty, and unemployment else the keg of powder we are sitting on will explode leaving in its wake disaster.

The current leadership has failed in delivering it’s signature campaign promises which will among other things include Security and Corruption.

No nation can progress when it is led by bankrupt leadership. As patriotic citizens of our Dear Country, we need to close ranks to bring onboard those with the right ideas. Only then can we avoid and prevent the State of lawlessness we are sliding into.

Rt. Hon. George Edwards Daika is a Former Speaker of Plateau State House of Assembly and Former Member Representing Shendam/Quan Pan/ Mikang Federal Constituency.

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State of the Nation: We Need to Close Rank to Stop the Drift Towards Anarchy – Rt. Hon. George Daika

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.