Rep. Engr. Solomon Maren Sponsors 7 Bills in a Single Plenary

The Honorable Member representing Mangu/Bokkos Federal Constituency, Rep. Engr. Solomon Bulus Maren, has sponsored seven Bills during plenary proceedings yesterday, Wednesday, 17th July, 2019.

Below are the bills;

  1. Criminal Code Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.156).
  2. National Building Code (Enforcement etc.) Bill, 2019 (HB.157).
  3. National Shipping Policy Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.158).
  4. Investment and Security Tribunal (Establishment) Bill, 2019 (HB.159).
  5. Army Colour (Prohibition of Use) Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.160).
  6. Penal Code (Northern States) Federal Provisions Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.161).
  7. Institute of Chartered Economics of Nigeria (Establishment) Bill, 2019 (HB.162).

Rep. Maren said he is well-equipped having served as a Member of the 8th Assembly to perform exceptionally.

He said he is committed to providing quality legislation that will move the Nation forward.

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Rep. Engr. Solomon Maren Sponsors 7 Bills in a Single Plenary

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger & Social Media Influencer/Strategist.