Rep. Dachung Bagos Presents Scholarship to 598 Students in Jos South/Jos East Fed. Constituency


In line with his motto of “Equipping the next generation” Hon. Dachung Bagos matched words with action by offering a one term scholarship to students of GSS GODONG in Jos East LGA, and GSS CHUGWI in Jos South LGA.

The presentation which was done under the aegis of the Dachung Musa Bagos Foundation, was held at the Jos South Area Directorate office Bukuru and was witnessed by Area Directors of Jos South and Jos East, principals of GSS Chugwi and GSS Godong, the representatives of his majesty the Dagwom Chugwi and also His Majesty the Adagwom Izere, some teachers and students from the benefiting schools, Team Bagos members amongst others.

In a welcome address, the Programme Officer of the Dachung Musa Bagos Foundation, Mr. Alfa Dali briefly narrated the ideals upon which the foundation has operated since it’s inception in 2010. According to him, BAGOS foundation was birth purely out of his love for humanity, and also his desire to contribute his own quota in raising a generation of great achievers in all works of life.

Hon. Dachung Bagos though unavoidably absent, was represented by his Senior Legislative Aide, Mr Langs Pwajok. Speaking at the event, Langs narrated how Bagos felt he should be deliberate in his mission of equipping the next generation hence this huge sacrifice. He also made it clear that though Bagos hopes to sustain this scholarship by next term, the beneficiaries might be from another pair of schools from the constituency. He admonished the students to take this up as a challenge and strive to become a source of joy and help to the society in the future. He disclosed that a total number of 598 students shall benefit from the scholarship; 300 students from GSS Chugwi and 298 students from GSS Godong.

Responding on behalf of the beneficiaries, the representative of the Area Director, immensely thanked the Hon. member and his team. She added “I am overwhelmed. On behalf of the ministry of education, and the area office Jos South, I say we are highly honored by your presence. We appreciate Hon Bagos for this initiative and for remembering the less privileged. As the students of Godong have prayed for him in their presentation, we pray that God honors their prayers.”

Good Will and appreciation messages also came from the Principal of GSS Chugwi and that GSS Godong, the representatives of our royal fathers, students from both schools, the PTA Chairman of GSS Chugwi.

As the respondents eulogized and prayed for blessings for Bagos, they also advised the student to make Bagos happy, by working hard and taking their studies serious.

To cap it up, Mr George Chuwang Pwajok, In his remarks, thanked the attendees sincerely for finding the time to attend the event. He admonished the people with a striking eye opener saying “ Although we scarcely ever get to benefit things like this from our leaders, the truth is that achievements like this are what we should rightfully expect from the people we have voted into power. Let’s therefore take an active interest in the type of people we send to represent us.”



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Rep. Dachung Bagos Presents Scholarship to 598 Students in Jos South/Jos East Fed. Constituency

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger & Social Media Influencer/Strategist.