Member representing Plateau’s Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency in the National Assembly, Istifanus Gyang says the only way for there to be safety in local communities is for youths to shun drug abuse and stay sound to safeguard their homes.

Speaking during a condolence visit to Nding village in Fan district, Barkin Ladi LGA following a recent attack by suspected Fulani herders which left about 7 dead, Gyang said unless efforts are made by the youths to protect their heritage, the next generation has nothing to inherit.

“Our forefathers stood up and fought to secure the land for us to inherit, but now in our own time we’re not doing same what then shall we hand to our children?
“We need to deny ourselves sleep so We can watch and protect our land,” he said.

The lawmaker assured of sustained efforts to ensure that government acts appropriately to end the sufferings of the people through favourable legislations.
Elder Toma Chollom, an elder in the community urged federal government to deploy every military personnel to their states of origin to prevent compromise.

He said, “If the FG really wants to end insurgency in this nation, since the military is no more neutral, everyone should go to their states of origin.”

Nding village was recently attacked after months of relative calm in the area.
Observers link the attack to relaxed vigilance owing to perceived peace.

Credit: Masara Kim Usman

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Rep. Barr. I. D. Gyang visits Nding village after attack/killings, Urged Youths to Protect Heritage

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.