In his bid to provide the people of the grassroot with safe and portable drinking water, the member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency, Rep ID Gyang’s has completed the construction of Motorised Solar Borehole Project at Gwakim Fan and awaiting commissioning.

Construction of additional Boreholes is underway in the constituency.

The construction of 90 Market Shop in Hoss Riyom LGA is at completion stage while same in Ganawuri has reached advanced level.

It will interest the public to know that Rep. I. D. Gyang has Commence the building of Health Centre at Lobiring Ward, Ropp District, while construction of School building in Bachi and Gashish Districts of Riyom and Barkin Ladi respectively are ongoing. This is apart from the electrification of Tapo-Kpang-Tatu all in Heipang which is ongoing.

A Town Hall is being built at Kapwis Foron District in Barkin Ladi while Box culvert is being constructed to link Dum and Cheng’e in Bachi.

Two classroom blocks of 3 classes each have been built and commissioned in Rapyam Village of Fan District, Barkin Ladi.

Many more projects and human capacity development programmes are in the pipelines for execution.

The MANDATE is speaking and the IMPACT is being felt.

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Rep. Barr. I. D. Gyang Completes Construction of Solar Motorized Borehole in Gwakim Fan Barkin Ladi

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.