Plateau Task Force on Recovery Set to Publish Names of Defaulters Over Non-compliance

The Task Force on the Recovery of Purported Auctioned Government Property constituted by the Plateau State Governor, his Excellency Barr. Caleb Mutfwang said it has discovered persons who allocated to themselves government lands and landed property without due process and appealed to them to immediately vacate such property failure of which it will embark on publishing the names of those defaulting having been officially notified.
Chairman of the Committee, Nde Isaac Wadak in a statement signed by the Secretary, Barr. Pam Gyang said it will go ahead to publish names of defaulters in National dailies for refusing to comply while it is carrying out physical retrieval of same Government property.

Nde Wadak while speaking to this medium hinted that “Our mandate as a committee once again is to identify/locate and recover government property purported to have been illegally auctioned, boarded or possessed”
He went further to state that “the Task Force has so far received inventories and reports of most landed property, equipment, moveable assets, including vehicles and machinery belonging to the government”
According to him, the Task Force in pursuit of the mandate it was constituted for has written letters to persons concerned who are allegedly in possession of government property to return same for use by new officers occupying their former offices.
He disclosed that the Committee has started retrieving government property including vehicles from some individuals who complied with the appeal to return same.
Nde Wadak appealed those still in custody of government property and other moveable assets and are yet to return to do so immediately without further delay or face public disgrace as there is dearth of vehicles at the moment for official use and the government will not use public funds to replace what ordinarily supposed to be available but were purportedly taken away by certain persons for their personal uses.
He said those concerned should have a rethink and again consider the humongous cost of these vehicles should Government want to acquire them under the present economic realities.

The Task Force while re-emphasizing the government insistence that the exercise is not in anyway meant to witch-hunt anyone, the level of responses and compliance will determine whether the act is of sabotage or deliberate.
The Task Force again applauded Plateau Citizens are still providing it with information that have been of immense help in achieving its mandate.

It will be recalled that this medium last week reported the recovery of nineteen (19) vehicles from some individuals last week and also visited Plateau Agricultural Development Board, Government Green Area around Yelwa Club Bukuru and the Kara Market at Kugiya Jos South Local Government Area where it had an interface with the officials of the Cattle Sellers Association of Nigeria Plateau State Chapter to assess the level of alleged illegal sales of land and structures built there.

This medium will continue to update you on the committee’s activities.

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Plateau Task Force on Recovery Set to Publish Names of Defaulters Over Non-compliance

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.