Plateau Political Appointees Express Determination to Key into Gov. Mutfwang’s Vision for a Prosperous State

Political Appointees and key government functionaries in Plateau State have expressed their determination to embrace the vision and mission of Gov. Caleb Mutfwang as contained in the three priorities with ten thematic and twenty-eight sub-thematic areas to achieve a more prosperous Plateau State that would be the envy of others. They accepted to collectively, collaboratively and assiduously work towards building a united Plateau in line with the goals and objectives of the “the Time is Now” mantra.
They gave the hints in a communique issued and signed by the Honorable Commissioner of Information and Communication, Hon. Musa Ibrahim Ashoms at the end of the 6-day Retreat and on-boarding of the Executive Arm of Government put together by the Plateau State Government for Executive Members, Permanent Secretaries and other Political Appointees which held at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) Kuru Jos South LGA, Plateau State.

They also resolved to improve funding to meet the goals of the State by exploring alternative sources of finance, reducing cost of governance and improving revenue generation for effective project funding. The Participants also agreed to Foster good governance through the adoption and implementation of people-oriented policies, blocking loopholes, reducing wastage and adopting cost-effective, transparent and accountable processes as well as embracing e-governance as well as work to regain the glory of the State in line with the vision of its founding Fathers.

While declaring the Weeklong event closed, the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Gov. Caleb Mutfwang who was represented by his Deputy, Ngo Josephine Piyo urged the Participants to provide good services to the Citizens of Plateau State on accordance to the vision and mission of the present administration.
She hinted that keying into the agenda of the present Government will help them to deliver the dividends of democracy to the Citizens of the State in line with their campaign promises to the people.

The Retreat from inception had in attendance the Executive Governor of Plateau State Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, the Deputy Governor Ngo Josephine Piyo, all Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, Heads of Boards, Commissions, Parastatals as well as the State Political Party Officials with resource Persons drawn from various fields of human endeavors who took the Participants on key governance issues.
They also inspired the Participants to develop right mindsets and attitudes that will enable them to work as a team for the collective good of the State and its Citizens.

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Plateau Political Appointees Express Determination to Key into Gov. Mutfwang’s Vision for a Prosperous State

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.