Plateau 2023: How two outstanding  Reps Members, Hon. Bagos and Gagdi will be reelected for the second term.

Plateau 2023: How two outstanding  Reps Members, Hon. Bagos and Gagdi will be reelected for the second term.

Pam Moses

There is no doubt that the People of Jos South/ Jos East Federal Constituency and Pankshin, Kanke, and Kanam Federal Constituency of Plateau State didn’t make any mistake to have elected Hon. Dachung Musa Bagos and Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi to represent them in the 9th Assembly, House of Representatives Abuja. Both Bagos and Gagdi have outstanding performances in terms of projects, bills, Youth, and women empowerment among others.

In this special report, PAM MOSES examines their acceptability and chance of winning their second bid as first-timers who have represented their Constituencies actively.

The two Lawmakers were both elected as first-timers into the Green Chambers in  2019, and have performed to the admiration of the people, there are strong indications they will be re-elected back to the National Assembly as they are also vocal standing and defending the cause of Plateau State and Nigeria.

Hon. Dachung Musa Bagos, currently the Deputy Chairman House Committee on Anti-corruption is also a Member of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP was elected in 2019 as a first-timer to Represent Jos South/ Jos East in the National Assembly and has sponsored 32 bills and numerous motions as well as participated in greatly in Policy contributions. The Lawmaker who is in his early 40s just like Hon. Gagdi has within four years carried out road constructions in his Constituency, built town halls, and ICT Centres for Youths, also carrying out projects on Healthcare, Agriculture, and water, and awarded scholarships to over 1200 less privileged students schooling within his constituency.

Bagos’ reelection will not be a challenge looking at his outstanding performance and one of the best in terms of bills being a first-timer, more so Youth across Political parties are strongly campaigning for him, the Lawmaker is also a lover of Youths in the State. Also contesting under the PDP Platform has given him an age ahead of other candidates, coming from the same Local Government as the Former Governor of Plateau State Senator Jonah David Jang, Jos South LGC which is regarded as the stronghold of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP is a plus for Bagos. It is also a known fact that both Women, youth, and the Stakeholders are behind his reelection.

Rep. Bagos, is a renowned philanthropist, politician, humanitarian, youth activist, and anti-corruption expert who has championed and convened a couple of movements for the sake of humanity, among which are; the Plateau Youth G17 Peace and Progressive Forum aimed at giving citizens a voice on issues _ that touch on their livelihood, good governance and insecurity with active participation from the 17 Local Government Areas of Plateau State. 

In  2011, he founded the Dachung Musa Bagos Foundation (a humanitarian and philanthropic Non-Governmental Organization) that has carried out community development services in different communities both in Jos South and Jos East Local Government.

It would be recalled that Plateau youths from Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency of Plateau State had in March 2022 purchased and presented nomination and expression of interest forms to Hon. Bagos for re-election in 2023 due to his outstanding performance in the Green chambers as a first-timer.

The youths during the commissioning of a motorized borehole provided by the Lawmaker in Kuru said they put up their resources together to purchase the form because of the outstanding performance of the lawmaker.

Chairman of PDP Stakeholders in Jos South Local Government Area, Da Dauda Vwang Dung said the expression of interest and nomination form on behalf of the youths and stakeholders of both Jos South and Jos East said the Lawmaker has performed credibly well and deserved reelection for the second term.

“We as stakeholders of the PDP in Jos South and Jos East today present to you this expression of interest and nomination form purchased for you by the various youth groups in the PDP from the Federal Constituency who contributed money and have picked form for you to go back for a second term in the House of Representatives for because of your giant’s strides and good representation”.

Da Vwang Dung noted that in the past three and half that the lawmaker has been in office, both Jos South and Jos East have witnessed tremendous development in areas of infrastructure, economic empowerment, Education, and great performances in virtually other sectors.

Chairman of Jos East PDP ward chairmen Hon. Aliyu Itse noted that the various projects of the lawmaker which includes the construction of schools, bridges, health care centers, provision of motorized boreholes, scholarship, securing of job opportunities, and empowerment programs amongst other have earned him to be re-elected for the second term.

Already ahead of the February, 25 Presidential and National Assembly Election, Bagos has toured all the Wards in Jos South and Jos East Federal Constituency to canvassed massive support for his reelection, he has also received the blessings of the Traditional Rulers from the two Local Government Areas for the Victory ahead. He enjoyed the support of both the old and young, women and Youths.

Meanwhile another House of Representatives Member from Plateau State who has done tremendously well and deserved reelection aside Hon. Dachung Musa Bagos is his Colleague and Member Representing Pankshin, Kanke, and Kanam Federal Constituency of Plateau State Rt. Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi

Hon. Gagdi also a First Timer, was elected in 2019 to Represent the People of Pankshin, Kanke, and Kanam popularly known as PKK, even though he wasn’t new in the business of Lawmaking having served at the Plateau State House of Assembly and later became the Deputy Speaker. Gagdi a strong APC Member is also the Chairman House of Representatives Committee on Navy and has performed and broken the jinx of underrepresentation in the Federal Constituency since 1999. 

Gagdi has chaired the House standing committee on the Nigerian Navy, a responsibility he discharges with great commitment and zeal, to the admiration of his colleagues the Naval high command, and his Constituency.

Many of his Constituents describe him as a true Representative that deserves to be re-elected because of his giant strides in the socio-economic and infrastructural development of his constituency.

An Elder Stateman, Chairman of Elders Advisory Council, and Former Secretary to the Plateau State Government During Governor Joshua Dariye’s administration Nde John Gobak describes Hon. Gagdi is an asset to the people of PKK and should be supported by all to ensure that he wins his second-term bid 

“He has been able to better the lives of the people of PKK and we believe that his return to the House of Representatives for a second term would bring more dividends of democracy to his people. With the experience, he has garnered so far, he would be able to do more for the people of the area and the state if re-elected.”

Others said the Lawmaker is the only one in PKK who can represent the interest of the youth and defeat any candidate of other parties, while others also reiterated Gagdi’s achievement in over three years as a federal lawmaker, saying he has brought development to his constituency.

“Yusuf Gagdi has also tackled the problems of water scarcity in his constituency by carrying out massive drilling of boreholes as well as renovation of structures that are beneficial to his people 

Plateau House of Assembly Member Representing Pankshin South and Director General of Gagdi Campaigns Hon. Philip Dasun said the Federal Lawmaker has demonstrated his preparedness for public service by his incontestable public-spirited disposition and commitment to the welfare of his people, thus solidifying his political credibility and enhancing his electability.

While commending Gagdi for “striving to attract projects and development to his zone ” he urged the electorate to support him for a second term as their Federal legislator, noting that “a return of Gagdi to the Federal House would consolidate on gains made so far.

In the history of PKK Federal Constituency, nobody has gone twice to the National Assembly since the inception of democracy, but Hon. Gagdi has demonstrated exceptional performance in the Areas is Rural electrification, Education, and Critical infrastructures. Others to include 

Health care and Agricultural development Empowerment.

Even though Hon. Gagdi is a Muslim, representing the majority of Christians, he is a true indigene of Kanam, Jahr by tribe and has never shown any religious or tribal sentiment throughout the past three and half years, in the spirit of true Plateau Man in him, he has provided the highest employment opportunities to the teeming Youths of Pankshin, Kanke, and Kanam irrespective of Religion and tribal association.

The Gagdi flag Campaigns for his re-election in Pankshin was a clear indication that the masses are solidly supporting his election and will be on 25th February demonstrated their love for him through the ballot box. 

Also just recently a group under the umbrella of Plateau Regeneration Group appeal to the people of the Pankshin/Kanke/Kanam Federal Constituency of Plateau State to return their representative, Hon Yusuf Adamu Gagdi, for a second term in 2023.

The Coordinator of the Group, Gongole Williams told New Telegraph in Jos that the lawmaker deserved re-election owing to his impeccable track record, competence, and capacity in delivering dividends of democracy.

Williams revealed that Gagdi, a first-timer at the National Assembly, had performed beyond expectations and stood for truth, justice, and fairness at all times, hence deserved another tenure.

He described the lawmaker as an outstanding fellow and one that has become a role model for Plateau youths.

“We the citizens of Plateau are proud of Gagdi, especially for the good works he has been doing, and as a group, we have rated him high for good performance. We urge his constituents to put aside tribal and religious sentiments, look at his competence and capacity and vote him back to the green chambers. Gagdi is a go-getter; he has done so well in human capital development, and he is closing existing gaps in infrastructure deficit through various completed and ongoing projects that he initiated in his constituency. He has turned around the fortunes of his constituents through job creation and youths and women empowerment; he has been tested and trusted.

“I call on his constituents to support him, come out and massively vote for him because the people of Pankshin, Kanke, and Kanam need to continue enjoying this dividend of democracy through Gagdi,” 

The group further hailed Gagdi for the various interventions in the education sector, insisting that any leader that gave his people infrastructure and education, meant well.

”Last year, the lawmaker doled out N20 million and offset the fees of all candidates for the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination from the constituency.

”Just recently, he presented a cheque for N100 million to the Elders Advisory Council of the constituency to offset the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSEC) fees for the final year secondary school students in the constituency.

”Don’t forget the bill that he initiated which was passed and assented to by President Muhammadu Buhari, which has made the Federal College of Education, Pankshin a Federal University of Education.

”He has renovated and constructed blocks of classrooms in various schools equipped with ICT centers in secondary schools, and given scholarships to many.

”We have never had it this good in this constituency like now, and so we urge the people to support and vote for him again so that he will do more,” Williams said.

The Coordinator described Gagdi as a rare competent leader who possessed the requisite intellectual experience, and physical and mental agility with all the critical professional competence to take his constituency to greater heights.

Williams promised that the group would go to the length and breadth of the constituency to garner support for the lawmaker and ensure he got re-elected.

Recently both Bagos and Gagdi were honored with Plateau Man of the Year awards as best performing Lawmakers, it is also a known fact that the APC Governorship Candidate Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda and kinsmen of the Nga’s Nation have given their massive support to toward the election of Gagdi, so also the Berom tribe who are the Majority in Jos South /Jos are not leaving any stone to untune to ensure the return, Hon. Bagos to the National Assembly.

It is now very clear that the electorate in the two Federal Constituencies has vowed irrespective of tribe and Religion to ensure that Hon. Bagos and Gagdi returned to the National Assembly because of their outstanding performance.

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Plateau 2023: How two outstanding  Reps Members, Hon. Bagos and Gagdi will be reelected for the second term.

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic