PKK 2023; The best way to predict the future is to create it.”- FLT LT (RTD) OTHNIEL PETER DANAT

A Frontline aspirant for the House of Representatives in PKK pencilled down these thoughts. With the slogan of TURNING, POINT Danat is now a household name, the aspirant project that “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”


FLT LT (RTD) OTHNIEL PETER DANAT (B. Pharm. (Jos), M.Sc. (Aberdeen), MBA (East London in view))

Current Job: Drug safety consultant



  • My vision is to inspire people and establish fair & functioning communities (where there is no vision, the people cast of restraints: but he that keeps the law, happy is he)
  • My mission is to use a system approach to solving problems to impact culture change through teamwork


  • WHAT are the problems? What are the solutions? WHAT are the differences between countries that are working and Countries similar to Nigeria? WHAT are the differences between governments?
  • WHY is Nigeria not progressing, WHY are the problem persisting or escalating, WHY are the problems not solved, WHY are we going in circles? WHYare there no changes? WHY are other nations working (even pagan nations) and WHY is Nigeria not working or prospering? WHY are there chaos & confusion in Nigeria? WHY is Nigeria a failed state?
  • WHERE is the problem, WHERE can we identify the problem? WHERE is the solution?
  •  WHEN do we do something about the problem? WHEN did the problem start? WHEN are we going to see change?


  • WHO wants the problem (s) solved? WHO wants solution(s)? WHO wants to do something about the problem(s)? WHO wants change? WHO wants peace? WHO wants order? WHO wants things to work? WHO wants to sleep well? WHO wants a prosperous Nigeria?
  • Corruption, stealing, kidnapping, bribe, lying, murder, disobedience, sexual pervasion etc.: AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING SO IT IS TODAY. The man and woman are corrupted.
  1. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.
  2. Corruption brought destruction and confusion into a previously perfect environment with order, provision and prosperity.
  3. Paradise lost; God’s judgment. God banished them from the garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made.
  4. The problem persisted/continued, a world gone wrong: ……………The extent of human wickedness on the earth was great, and everything was consistently and totally evil.
  5.  The flood covers the earth
  6. SYSTEM OF LAWS were introduced to overcome the problem of sin. God confirms his covenant…………And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life.
  7. SYSTEM OF LAWS established; The laws of Moses: Then God gave the people all these instructions.

         (a). Fair treatment of slaves

         (b). Cases of personal injury

         (c). Protection of property  

         (d). Social responsibility

         (e). A call for justice

  1. SYSTEM OF LAWS enforced, penalty for breaking the law: ………. So the whole community took the man outside the camp and stoned him to death, just as the God had commanded Moses.
  2. All human laws are derived from the Mosaic laws
  3. The difference between governments/countries/nations/societies lies in the differences in the system of laws and law enforcement.
  4. A system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole or a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.
  5. Laws, Policies, regulations, procedures, processes, instructions, agreements, enactments etc. make up a system
  6. A system is more valuable than individual skills e.g. computerized system
  7. Systems are either non-existent or ineffective in Nigeria (same as effective laws and enforcement are either lacking or absent)
  8. A simple example of an effective system is a traffic light. A traffic light is more efficient and more effective than a traffic warden.
  9. The traffic light is indifferent to everybody using the traffic system because it does not discriminate and its work is consistent
  10. The traffic light saves live and reduce accidents or harm to human beings but it does not completely eliminate the problem
  11. Laws and enforcement are meant to reduce corruption, kidnapping……………….. and the destruction, chaos and confusion that comes with it


  • The answer to all the WHYs is lack of systems and or ineffective systems.
  • The foundation for any sustainable growth and development in any society (religious or pagan) is effective laws and enforcement
  •  Corruption, kidnappings, murder etc escalates where there are weak or ineffective systems of laws and enforcements.
  • Doing what is right exalts (raised to a higher level) a nation but corruption is a disappointment to any nation


  • The answer to all the WHEREs is Nigeria and Nigerians
  • The problems and solutions are in Nigeria
  • The problems and solutions are with Nigerians
  • The only mechanism (system) that can be equally applied to all human beings irrespective of race, religion, language or social status to make them see they have done wickedly and turn away from doing the wickedness is a system of effective laws and enforcement


  • Now is the time to act and do something. Choose people that can identify the root causes of our problems and provide solutions. Cosmetic solutions have only escalated our problems
  • With this knowledge we can act immediately to restore our nation to prosperity


  • I believe every Nigerian wants to do something about the problems and solutions.
  •  A team is the engine of creativity. Every Nigerian is important in finding solutions to our problems. This can only be achieved if we choose the right people to represent us.……. nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them
  • If you give or receive money for vote, you are manipulating the process that will produce the turning point in Nigeria. Are you not tired of the chaos and confusion that has destroyed our commonwealth?
  • I invite you to support me in this journey to restoring Nigeria to its rightful place. Riches does not help in the day of judgment but right living can save you from death


  • Security- Use the abundant retired service personnel to protect lives and properties in our communities in addition to conventional security
  • Education- Scholarships (Local & International). Use of latest technology to improve learning outcomes
  • Agriculture- Use of latest technology to improve agricultural practices and yield
  • Health- Upgrade facilities, staff training and development. Technology can improve access to health
  • Water & Electricity- Use of latest technology to provide amenities
  • Stake holders- Work with stake holders through teamwork to ensure equitable distribution of available projects and resources


  • In conclusion, I want to leave you with this; The wicked will not rule the land of the godly, for then the godly might be tempted to do wrong.
  • When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn and suffer.
  • We have witnessed many wicked governments in Nigeria, it is time for the right people to correct the wrongs. This is our most important opportunity in generations
  • ……. through knowledge shall the just be delivered. There is nothing we set out to do that would be impossible for us as a team. We can overcome all our problems by utilizing systems, technology, innovation and other tools.
  • Thank you & God bless.

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PKK 2023; The best way to predict the future is to create it.”- FLT LT (RTD) OTHNIEL PETER DANAT

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic