“Perform or be Replaced” – Gov. Mutfwang to Commissioners

The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang has urged the newly sworn in commissioner to ensure they perform creditably towards the attainment of the overall plans of his administration for the State or be replaced by capable hands who can deliver on his campaign promises to the Citizens of the State. He said their stay in office would be determined by their satisfactory performances as Members of the State Executive Council. He said he has set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which he will use alongside the objective measurement of the public to assess their performance to rate those to still remain in his cabinet and those to be replaced on account of underperformance. He hinted that his administration will not tolerate abysmal performance saying he would not hesitate to replace non performing Appointees.

He made these disclosures at the swearing in and oath of Office of the Commissioners and other Appointees which held at Langfield Leisure Park and Garden Little Rayfield Jos, the Plateau State Capital.
He urged them to justify the trust and confidence reposed in them with optimal performance in line with his vision for the State. He charged them to work towards the actualization of a more united, peaceful, safer and prosperous State.
He decried the deplorable condition he met the State and how he inherited Four (4) Month outstanding salaries of Workers which he is working assiduously to offset.
He reassured the Citizens of his determination to restore peace, be fair to all irrespective of faith or creed. He said fairness and justice would be his watch words.
He charged the Citizens to be united, coexist peacefully and support his administration in his efforts to restore the lost glory of the State.
Gov. Mutfwang said “Plateau State must be shaken from the shackles of poverty and insecurity”
He called on religious leaders to desist from fanning the embers of hatred and disunity.

He further stated that with the hardships being experienced due to the removal of fuel subsidy and hike in the price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), the government is coming up with palliatives to be made available to poor people to cushion the impact of the hardship faced by the Citizens in the State.
The Governor also assured Youths and Women of greater participation in his administration at all levels.

Speaking on behalf of the new Appointees, the New Commissioner of Higher Education, Dr. Kachollom Pyam Gang appreciated the Governor for finding them worthy to serve in the various capacities and promised not to disappoint the confidence reposed in them but justify same with optimal performance.
Hon. Peter Lamba Gwom is to overseer the Ministry of Environment, Hon. Sule Musa Haruna will be piloting the Ministry of Commerce, Hon. Adams Bulus Leshak is to head the Ministry of Works, Hon. Musa Ibrahim Ashoms is to serve as Information and Culture Commissioner, Barr. Peter Nyam Gai – Jos is to overseer the Ministry of Lands and Survey, Hon. Jatau Davou Gyang will be at the helm of affairs of the Transport Ministry and Mr. Bugama Samson Ishaku is to be in-charge of Ministry of Agriculture.

Others are Hon. Ephraim Usman to oversee the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftancy Affairs, Hon. Joshua Laven Ubandoma to head the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Assoc. Prof. Obert Gossele Nanjul is to pilot the Science and Technology Ministry, Hon. Caroline Dafur is to captain the Minsitry of Women Affairs, Mrs. Dongkum Grace Shwarta is to be in-charge of the Finance Minsitry, Hon. Chrysanthus Dawam is to oversee the Ministry of Budget and Planning, Dr. Kachollom Pyam Gang – will be in-charge of the Ministry of Higher Education and Hon. Noel Naanniap is being posted to the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy.

Hon. Nyalun Mohammed Salibu popularly known as “ES” is to oversee the Ministry of Secondary Education, Hon. Bashir Lawandi Datti is to serve as the Commissioner of Youth and Sports, Dr. Cletus Shurkuk is the Health Commissioner and Mrs. Jamila Tukur is to head the Tourism and Hospitality Ministry.
It will be recalled that the Governor had appointed and sworn in the Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General on 2nd June, 2023.

The event was well attended by Top Government Functionaries including the Deputy Governor, Ngo Josephine Piyo, the Secretary to the Government of the State Arc. Samuel Jatau, Chief Judge of the State Justice David Mann, President of the Customary Court of Appeal Justice Blessing Lyop Dalyop, Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Moses Sule and other Members of the State Assembly, Traditional Rulers led by the Gbong Gwom Jos/Chairman Plateau State Council of Chiefs & Emirs His Majesty Da Jacob Gyang Buba CFR, Religious Leaders, Transition Committee Chairmen, Heads of Military/Paramilitary Agencies, Chief of Staff to the Governor Hon. Jeremiah Satmark, Heads of Departments, Boards and Parastatals, Friends and well wishers of the Appointees.

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“Perform or be Replaced” – Gov. Mutfwang to Commissioners

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.