PDP Zawan ‘A’ Ward Lifts Suspension, Reinstates Da James Stephen Pam

The suspension earlier placed on a critical stakeholder of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Plateau State, Da James Stephen Pam by his Federal Ward over alleged anti-party activities on 30th March, 2023 has been lifted as he has been reinstated to the Party.

The lifting of the suspension and reinstatement of Da James Stephen Pam was contained in a letter dated 22nd July, 2024 jointly signed by the PDP Caretaker Chairman Zawan ‘A’ Federal Ward, Sylvanus Gwong and Secretary Markus David Bot.

The letter sighted by this medium was officially addressed and communicated to the bearer, Da James Stephen Pam.

They said the provision of Section 57 (1) to (7) of the PDP Constitution were not adhered to when the suspension was made as he was not given the opportunity to defend himself of the allegation made against his person.
The statement said in line with the new and old Membership drive of the Party, the party after due consultation with Stakeholders, relevant authorities and adherence to due process decided to lift the earlier suspension placed on Da Stephen James Pam thereby reinstating him to the PDP.

The statement said “it is our hope and desire you will be committed to the Party henceforth. You are by this reinstated to enjoy rights and privileges enshrined in the Party’s Constitution as amended in 2017.
“It is our hope that you will continue to be (as you have been) a valuable asset to the party at the Ward level, local government level, State level, Country at large”

They admonished him to refrain from any action that may contravene the Constitution of the Party.

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PDP Zawan ‘A’ Ward Lifts Suspension, Reinstates Da James Stephen Pam

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.