Nigerian Pilgrims Arrive in Bethlehem Prior to Visiting Additional Holy Sites

Friday Bako, Bethlehem
4th March, 2025

Nigerian Pilgrims participating in the 9th Batch of the Pilgrimage Exercise in the Holy Land arrived Bethlehem in high spirits to visit more Holy Sites.

Preceding their arrival, the Pilgrims, subsequent to their departure from Tiberias, Israel, paid a visit to the Wedding Church at Cana of Galilee, the location where Jesus Christ performed his first public miracle, converting water into wine at a wedding.

Furthermore, the Pilgrims were afforded the opportunity to visit the Mountain in the ancient City of Jericho where Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan after fasting for 40 days.

The next point of tour was the Dead Sea “the Salt Sea”
The Dead Sea, situated in the Jordan Rift Valley, is a saltwater lake bordered by Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, renowned for its distinctive natural characteristics and captivating allure.
As the lowest point on Earth, approximately 1,400 feet below sea level, it attracts tourists worldwide who seek to experience its exceptional floating sensation and therapeutic mud. Rich in minerals such as potash, magnesium, and bromine, the Dead Sea serves as a vital source for various industries. Throughout history, it has been a significant location for numerous cultures and civilizations, including the ancient Israelites, Greeks, and Romans.

Key highlights of visits to sacred sites include a Cable Car Cruise, bathing in the Dead Sea, intercessory prayers, exhortation, praise and worship before, during, and after the day’s visitation to Holy Sites.

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Nigerian Pilgrims Arrive in Bethlehem Prior to Visiting Additional Holy Sites

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- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger & Social Media Influencer/Strategist.

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