credits: Punch

Romanus Uchenna Amuta aka Natty, popular actor from the New Masquerade series was the funniest man on television in the 80s and early 90s.

Natty is one of the few surviving cast of the once celebrated New Masquerade, others like James Iroha (Giringory Akabuogu), Christy Essien-Igbokwe (Apena), Claude Eke (Jegede Shokoya) have died.Those remaining are having a tough life according to reports. Davis Offor (Clarus) is now blind and Natty now has a disability from stroke.

credits: Punch

Romanus Uchenna Amuta aka Natty, popular actor from the New Masquerade series was the funniest man on television in the 80s and early 90s.

Natty is one of the few surviving cast of the once celebrated New Masquerade, others like James Iroha (Giringory Akabuogu), Christy Essien-Igbokwe (Apena), Claude Eke (Jegede Shokoya) have died.Those remaining are having a tough life according to reports. Davis Offor (Clarus) is now blind and Natty now has a disability from stroke.

In a recent interview, the actor said: “If government does not come to help me now, then I will die very soon.” At a point during the interview, Natty began to cry. “Will I be poor in New Masquerade and still be poor in life, and even now that I’m about to die?” he wondered, with tears dropping from his eyes.

by Chi Ibe

Published with kind permission from YNaija

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New Masquerade’s Natty actor cries during interview: “I don’t want to act poor, die poor” (SNAPSHOT) – YNaija

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