MINIMUM WAGE SAGA: United Labour Congress of Nigeria Reverses Demand to N65,000


The offer to pay Nigerian workers the paltry sum of N22,500 as a new national minimum wage by the amorphous body; the Governors’ Forum is not just contemptuous but negates the principles and spirit of Social Dialogue as envisioned by ILO conventions.

It is therefore unacceptable and disdainful of the vast majority that make up the nation’s workforce and indeed the masses that create the nation’s wealth. It immediately makes the N30,000 compromise figure an orphan.

ULC having sadly realised that Government is fully committed to frustrating and sabotaging the desire of Nigerian workers for a decent wage via a new minimum wage; seeing the deployment of the subterfuge called the Governors’ Forum to disrupt and hijack the due processes known to the nation’s Industrial Relations space in reaching a new minimum wage for workers despite the fact that the Governors were fully represented in the Tripartite Committee by six governors have become more justified, determined and committed to our joint efforts with other Labour Centres to defend Nigerian workers from the exploitative tendencies of this government.

Going outside the known framework to seek the resolution of the contrived Minimum Wage impasse is devious. It undermines Tripartism and the various traditions that govern responsible and equitable engagement of the Social partners – Workers, Employers and Government. A sensitive Government is not expected to reject tested and proven frameworks and processes for civil engagement but this is what this Government has chosen to do.

Since the Government which is a major stakeholder in the Tripartite Committee has reneged on the agreement repudiating its earlier documented offer, ULC in conjunction with other Labour Centres rejects the N30,000 compromise figure of the Tripartite Committee and now insists on our original collective demand of N65,000 as an irreducible minimum. The only figure that we now recognise is N65,000 or nothing else. This shall be the focus of our demand as we move into the nation-wide strike come Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 2018.

It is unfortunate that this government would rather seek ways of keeping workers at the periphery of the nation’s economy. Drafting in that inglorious political Forum at this time is a clear sign that Government is prepared to continue politicising the right of workers to an acceptable Wage Floor thus exacerbate the marginalisation and exploitation of Nigerian workers and masses. This is deplorable.

Once again, we reassure all Nigerian workers of our commitment to our collective resolve to get this government to show more responsibility and sensitivity to our plight as workers and those who lay the golden egg. All Nigerian workers should remain alert! Gird your loins and be ready as we go into the Joint CWC and the final days of preparation to grapple with the looming oppression.

Comrade Joe Ajaero

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MINIMUM WAGE SAGA: United Labour Congress of Nigeria Reverses Demand to N65,000

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.