Medical Practitioners in Plateau Specialist Hospital Commences Strike Action

Medical Practitioners under the two major unions of Doctors, Association of Resident Doctors (ARD) and the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN), Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) have recommenced the initially suspended strike action to press home some demands.

The unions hinted that resuming the strike action became pertinent on account of the inability of the State government to meet the agreement earlier reached by both parties.

ARD President Plateau State Specialist Hospital, Dr. Gogwan Bangs and his MDCAN Counterpart, Dr. Jonathan Bulus said the decision to resume the strike on Friday 18th February, 2022 was reached at the end of a crucial meeting held on same day the strike commenced at the Premises of the Plateau State Specialist Hospital after deliberations on the issues.

The meeting had in attendance Members of the two unions who deliberated substantially.

According to them, the issues under contention include:

  1. Removal of Doctors from agreed Salary structure – the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS) which ab initio Doctors in Plateau Specialist Hospital take home as salary only a percentage of what other Doctor were given in other tertiary teaching hospitals across the country, awaiting when fortunes of the State gets better.
    This incomplete CONMESS salary structure as agreed upon for Doctors has been initially mutilated and eventually eliminated. Both unions are unclear about the present salary structure being implemented.
  2. Ineffective method of payment of allowances (which forms a significant portion of their take home pay) Both unions are completely dissatisfied with the manner in which their allowances are being mutilated.
  3. Failure of the government to remit in full dues deducted from their salary accounts to the respective bodies.

“We the members of both unions (ARD and MDCAN) have agreed that the suspended strike will now resume as total and indefinite!”

“Our earnest hope is that the government will rise up to their responsibility and address the issues itemized promptly to ensure that the strike called off” the Unions said.

It will be recalled that the unions on 23rd December, 2021 suspended the strike they started on 22rd December, 2021 which they said will resume without notice should negotiation fail.

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Medical Practitioners in Plateau Specialist Hospital Commences Strike Action

| Health & Lifestyle |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.