Jos North-North 2023: Youth Group Sets to Purchase Form for Dr. Adamu Aliyu

The ‘Jos Progressives Youths Forum’ is set to purchase the nomination and expression of interest form for Adamu Aliyu PhD to run for the Jos North North House of Assembly seat in 2023.

The organisation remains convinced that Dr Adamu remains the best candidate because he possesses the traits that are necessary for an extraordinary representative, and given the challenges the constituency is facing, we cannot afford to get it wrong in 2023.

What we need is someone who can make our voices loud enough to be heard, someone bold enough to stand up for his people, A person with the required record to legislate on our behalf. A person who is not afraid to stand by the truth even if it means standing alone.

This and many more are what we stand to gain with Adamu Aliyu PhD as our representative. The above mention qualities are very much verifiable in his personality, which is why we decided to fix our tent with him, to get the best out of democracy and we went further to generously purchase a form for him and present it to him as a sign of good faith.

We call on all the good sons and daughters of the constituency to fall in line and give Dr. Aliyu the chance to make us proud.

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Jos North-North 2023: Youth Group Sets to Purchase Form for Dr. Adamu Aliyu

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger & Social Media Influencer/Strategist.