Jethro Ansan Ma’an is contestant for Plateau State House of Assembly Mangu North East Contituency, he shares his aspiration on ViewPointNigeria straight talk with longgul dakwom.

Details Below:

For the benefit of our reader, kindly introduce yourself?

I am Jethro Ansan Ma’an from Jwak Panyam District From Mangu Local Gorvernment

 Any previous experience about serving? And can you tell us in detail?

I have served in many capacities in my community, I am the coordinator of the APC youth mobilization of my district which is the Panyam District and with the reports feedback,, I think am doing well in that aspect

So is that the only service you have done?

No, back then in school I was the financial secretary of the Students Union Government and after that I served as the President of the Nakam Old Students Association

What was your experience like in the student union government?   

Lots of experience, when I say lots of experience, you get to meet quite a number of people from different places, people who give you advice that will help you in life and the experience back then was so wonderful because I gathered a lot of experience, when I talk about the legislative aspect, I was an executive because I was the financial secretary dealing with the student union body which is the legislative arm and mingling with them, I have been attending their meetings back then in school. And as you know it is not quite different from the politics out there, let me say it is a rehearsal for the future

Are you married? What is your family life like?

No, I am not married yet, am from a family of five (5) with a sister and four brothers with my mother, my father is late since 2004


OK, what does life as struggle means to you? How did you grow up? What was your experience?

Let me say my life have not been easy, because growing up in a family with only the mother as the parent because ever since I lost my Father, the experience Is  not funny. You discover that there are times you discover that you have to struggle for yourself, even in school, you would have to fend for your school needs but the bottom line is that God has been faithful and the underneath lesson is simple,  respect for human dignity and labour.

Can you connect that life of struggling as a young person to which the level you have reached now, if given the mandate, you know you have the experience of a struggling type, how do you think that experience would help you?

The experience I had back then, connecting  it with what I am going through now I think Its God. I believe joining politics now is to correct the little I can, because, I have the mind set and also the experience. There are so many people out there in the same shoes that I am, so I believe using my position if given the mandate.

What is your academic qualification?

I am BSC holder in political science at the University of Jos, before then I had my diploma in banking and finance at the same University of Jos


For the benefit of our reader, Can you open up your profile,what is your aspiration

First of all, let me thank You for the opportunity to speak out my aspiration. My  aspiration is to serve the people at my constituency. Raising from passion and a commitment contribute my quota haven been an active follower over the years, i believe we can continue to lament while the creator has endowed us with the powers to match on, i believe in my community,i believe that as a people we can come together and reason together because together we are strong and as individual we fail so my aspiration is for the community.

I have this confidence within me that the house of assembly is the place to start. My aspiration is for the house of assembly in the coming elections in 2019. Many issues are on ground and if you look at it critically it is something that one needs to be passionate about because if someone is not passionate about issues concerning his community, then solving it won’t be possible. My motivation is my passion, my passion to see that my people do not lack proper legislation whatever grounds; my motivation is to be a legislator with his constituents at heart, to defend the plateau heritage and serve humanity.



So what has been the particular issue that you have seen, and you want to correct in your constituency?

As I said, there are so many issues,   some of which need a vibrant legislator to articulate the community’s issue; the constituency is majorly a rural local community – the issue of water, People lack pipe borne water, you see people drinking water from rivers and other sources that are not healthy, am not saying it’s the duties of a legislator to provide those service because am aware of the duties of a legislator as contained in the 1999 constitution, however, our kind of democracy is unique that we can intertwined duties – a process I call doctrine of necessity in service, because if my people are in need of an amenity I shall see to it not minding whose duties are entail because in my view leadership is about the people. It is an avenue for me to step in by the grace of God if given the opportunity. Looking at the educational aspect, most h schools in my community are in bad shape. So if given the mandate, I will lobby to see that the government steps in to the educational sector so that the school environment can be conducive for students to learn.

To conclude this issue, I think I will be alive to my responsibility, it about service with utmost humility and dedication

There are quite a number of issues you raised, I want you to look at your age,  you are very young and the issue of resources comes to play and then the issue of experience for people say experience means a lot in politics, don’t you think that would be a minus for you?

If we look at it critically, the issue of age is of no importance, I don’t think it will come to play a lot in this aspect because the confidence is there already I don’t want to talk about the bill of not too young to run. Talking about experience, when we talk of democracy , the parliament is the most symbolic so to tell you how ready I’ am, let me inform you that any youth who is above twenty five and thinks he is still a baby should recheck his thinking again, it is my community I grow there, I understand the sociological pulse of the constituency, I feel the pains of my people and we are talking about age or am too young ? I think I shall not weep any form of sentiments whether on age, religion or sex am in this because I have the 3cs of leadership which is competence capacity and character to man this ship

So as a youth yourself, do you think that the youths are not properly placed in politics?

I have seen youths having passion to join politics but as it is, resources are limited because most times if you want to join politics, you must have the resources before you join politics so I feel it is a hindrance of a sort, on the  part of the youths in joining politics, but I have seen youths presently that have summon courage to serve the people and join politics regardless of resources and any monetary aspect, to such courageous youth they are pioneers in the struggle and history will record their

So let’s talk about your own vision if you are today elected as a member of the house of assembly what will be your cardinal vision? because every leader has a vision.

My vision is simple; it is time for my constituency to look up to a vibrant leadership. The vision is simply; liberation- in all ramifications, if the people living in the cities have electricity and good roads, my constituency which is rural have same –give us.

If there is scholarship or employment that is to be conducted by the state, let my people be involved because they are citizens with full rights, any legislation that will jeopardize the cooperate existence and heritage of my people is a NO!

So what’s your Slogan?

My slogan is possibility, as I said possibility is the secret of my heart over time and I believe there is nothing impossible before God. It’s only Humans that always see those impossibilities but the eye of God sees possibilities and that’s why I have the courage and confidence that the course I have carried is possible. When I talk of possibilities it also possible that my community will see leadership in the legislative house.

It is not just about winning elections but the possibility of standing for my people when I get the mandate. For it is possible to be together after winning and the possibility of liberating ourselves from the issues affecting us.









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Jethro Ansan Ma’an – it is possible, Mangu North East Constituency

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic