Hope Academy, Emmaus Bible Centre Mission Organizes Campaign Against Cyber/Drug Addiction in Kwang, Jos South

In an attempt to give back to the society, Hope Academy Schools, Emmaus Bible Centers mission Kwang Rayfield organized a campaign against Cyber/Drug addiction in Kwang Community to raise a voice against drug and cyber addiction, title LIVE FREE John (8:36).

The use and abuse of drug and substances is a menace that has eaten deep into our society. Cyber addiction is not left out as it is also a source of great worry.

The rate at which drug abuse, alcoholism, substance use and abuse, thuggery, internet fraud, pornography and social vices is on a steay increas amongst our youths is troubling. It is rare to find a school or an institution void of this.

Drug/cyber addiction affects the society as a whole, and the individual in particular.

The mental, physical, academic and moral standing of this individual is negatively affected. This is a fight we cannot carry out alone.

We need to put all hands together to put an end to this monster that has cut short the lives of our children, our teenagers, and our youths. You can be free and live. But in all, you cannot be free if God does not make you free indeed.

While at elementary section they discussed about how they should avoid the abuse of substances which can be their medications, tooth paste, abuse perfumes which can lead blindness of the eye, and other harmful experiences. So also the bad effects of cyber addiction on their brains, their relationship with family and friends, the psychological effects and physical effects.

The program started on the 24th of February 2020 which lasted for 4 days having variety of programs which rounded up with a rally and the out reach within the Kwang community.

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Hope Academy, Emmaus Bible Centre Mission Organizes Campaign Against Cyber/Drug Addiction in Kwang, Jos South

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger & Social Media Influencer/Strategist.