His Excellency Sen. Jonah David Jang Declares Intention to Contest For President

Amb. Friday Bako
Viewpoint Nigeria
7th August, 2018

The immediate past Governor of Plateau State and the Senator representing Plateau Northern Senatorial District, His Excellency Da Sen. Jonah David Jang today declared his intention to contest for the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2019 under the platform of the PDP.

He said his ambition is borne out of the desire to serve the Country in that capacity if given the opportunity.

He said having consulted widely across the Nation, the acceptability he received is overwhelming.

He said security, economic development and human capital development would be key in his administration if elected.

He said he would entrench good governance through transparency in governance, respect for rules of law and ensure justice prevails at all times.

His Excellency Da Sen. Jang said the Senate seat is now vacant and it is left for people of Plateau North to decide who should represent them in the red chamber.
So far only under the PDP, only the Member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency has declared interest to contest for Plateau Northern Senatorial District Seat.

Sen. Jang promised not to disappoint the good people of Plateau State, Middle Belt and Nigeria if elected President as he would work towards uniting the Country.

The declaration took place at WAYE Foundation and was well attended by former top government functionaries who served under him when he held sway as Executive Governor, serving legislators both at the State and National Assembly and well wishers.

Many who spoke to Viewpoint Nigeria said they are completely supportive of the Presidential ambition of Sen. Jang and would continue to work to ensure his victory both at the Primaries and main election so he can transform Nigeria.

They eulogised him for the great work he did which they said are indelible.

Senator Jang was prayed for and blessed for victory.

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His Excellency Sen. Jonah David Jang Declares Intention to Contest For President

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.