Group Warns Tinubu Over Dame Tallen, Sen. Dariye and Other Desperate Politician Who Worked Against APC But Scavenging for Appointments

A group, Concerned Plateau APC Consolidation Vanguard (PACV) has again warned President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over what they described as the naked dance of shame by a group of so-called APC elders who are based in Abuja and continue to work against the interests of the party in the State, yet scavenging for appointments from the President.

Reacting to a recent photo where the so-called politicians visited the new Secretary to the Government of the Federation Sen. George Akume to congratulate him on behalf of the “Plateau APC elders”, the PACV expressed disgust at the shameless behaviour of the politicians whom it described as traitors and destroyers of the APC in Plateau State and Nigeria at large. They debunked the insinuation that they are elders of the party saying it is a big lie and pure impersonation.

The Spokesman of PACV Comrade Jok Samuel Carmillus said they are not surprised by the actions of the desperate politicians who specialize in running the party down at home and yet seeking to benefit from it using so-called “Abuja connections” and sentimental strategy.

He said it was unfortunate that the photo making the rounds of those who visited the new SGF consists of purely those who did everything possible to ensure that APC lost all elections in Plateau State including the State, National Assembly,  Governorship and Presidential.

The infamous gang include former Minister of Women Affairs Dame Pauline Tallen, Chief Joshua Dariye, Hon. Comsol Alphonsus, Sen. Hezekiah Dimka, Dasuki Nakande, Sen. Nora Dadu’ut, Danyaro Sarpiya, Amos Gizo among others who did not only campaign against the APC, but campaigned for the Labour party openly and also gave money to the opposition PDP and its candidates.

They were also active is fuelling the Muslim Muslim ticket narrative by inciting the electorate to vote against the APC and all its candidates from the State and Federal levels. They said they had to defend their fate and publicly worked against Governor Lalong who accepted to be DG of the Tinubu/Shettima Campaign Council. They castigated him and ensured he also lost his bid to the Senate.

Now that food is ready, they are running from pillar to post lobbying for appointments without shame. How can they expect to reap from where they did not sow? Where is their conscience?

PACV recalls vividly how Pauline Tallen came to Shendam during the presidential elections and gave money and directives to her supporters to ensure they voted Peter Obi as well as Patrick Dakum of Labour party as Governor.

That is in addition to her being aloof and staying away from all the activities of the APC right from the party primaries to the 2023 general elections where she never showed up nor contributed anything apart from blackmailing Governor Lalong in Abuja to whoever cared to listen to her. She clandestinely and openly fraternised and worked with the opposition against APC in Plateau State.

For former Governor Joshua Dariye, he did not hide his anti-party activity where he openly joined and campaigned for labour party while pretending that he is supporting Tinubu. When the results came out, he was exposed as indeed, the Labour party won the Presidential ballot in the State.

Others like Dasuki Nakande, Danyaro Sarpiya and Hezekiah Dimka who have contributed nothing to the APC except to side with the opposition to bring it down are also trying hard to get noticed by President Tinubu. Dasuki was one of the first people to lead a delegation to congratulate Governor Caleb Mutfwang having done so much campaign of calumny against Governor Lalong and the APC.

They have recruited Senator Nora Dadu’ut who despite working publicly against the Tinubu/Shettima ticket, believes that she can exploit her relationship with First Lady Oluremi Tinubu to get a ministerial appointment. It is a fact that she has never advocated for the APC or Asiwaju Bola Tinubu nor any of its candidates in Plateau State.
PACV wants to put on record that the above shameless characters are not APC elders in Plateau and have never been known as such. Rather, they are impostors and pretenders who are desperados trying to get noticed by President Tinubu at all costs.

Comrade Jok said “we are confident that President Asiwaju will not fall for the gimmicks of this pretentious and fake elders who are nothing but shameless opportunists who are blinded by their ambitions to grab power at all costs. We know their futile mission will not destroy the APC as they wish, but will make it clear to those who love the party to continue working for its success”.

PACV also restates it commitment to supporting the leader of the APC in Plateau State His Excellency Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, KSGG, CON. It believes that having delivered a President for Nigeria despite the odds especially as worsened by the activities of saboteurs like Pauline Tallen and her gang, Lalong will remain the reference point for any appointment to be made from the State by President Tinubu.

Comrade Jok Samuel Camillus (Convener, PACV)

Comrade Kate Gambo Miaphen (PACV Southern Zone)

Haruja Maidabino Hamza (PACV Central Zone)


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Group Warns Tinubu Over Dame Tallen, Sen. Dariye and Other Desperate Politician Who Worked Against APC But Scavenging for Appointments

| Press Release |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.