Gov. Mutfwang Vows to Stimulate Plateau’s Economy and Make State More Friendly to Attract Investors

Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State has appreciated the Citizens of the State for their prayers and support since he assumed office in 2023 with the assurance of building the economy of the State beyond dependence on oil. He said in so doing both local and foreign investors will be attracted to the State which will translate to prosperity of the State and its Citizens.
He said addressing the security challenges posed by enemies of the State is critical in the quest of rebuilding a healthier economy.

The Governor made these known during an engagement with Media Practitioners to mark his One Year in Office. He lauded the support the Media is giving his administration and how it has been projecting government’s programmes and activities at all times.
He disclosed that over the years, there has been deliberate distortion to the realities on ground in the State and appealed to Members of the pen profession to correct such distortion and tell the true situation. He said Plateau People are peace loving and receptive. According to him, Journalists have the responsibility to tell the true story of the State.
He said his administration is working to position the State to become self-sufficient in terms of revenue generation so that it can take care of its recurrent expenditures without relying on the Federation account.

He highlighted some of the achievements of his administration to include stabilizing of the State, carrying out infrastructural development and rejigging the transport system, training 600 Operation Rainbow Personnel to compliment the effort of those existing in order to address insecurity which he said is needed for development to thrive. He said the government will leverage on technology to improve the security of the State.
He said his government is standardizing agriculture to boost food production in the State. He emphasized that agriculture is a key economic driver and deserve the needed attention. He said his administration is involved in an agricultural revolution that is export-based. He said considering the agricultural potentials in the State, the target is go into production in commercial quantities.
He said the tourism potentials of the State are enormous and must be pursued as business saying the move to resuscitate the Hill station Hotel to boost the tourism potentials of the State is at advanced stage.
He said his administration is already lobbying for the continuation of the Construction of Akwanga to Jos Road as well as the dualization of the Heipang to Shendam as well as Langtang North aside the to the already approved rehabilitation of the Roads by the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA). He also stated that his administration is investing heavily to ensure that the citizens get access to good and safe water.
He further stated that the urban renewal project of the State will be pursued vigorously saying it is for the good of the State and Citizens as government is committed to reviewing the greater Jos Master plan. He hinted that there are ongoing Civil Service reforms aimed at rejigging the demoralised civil service he met.
He averred that his government is committed to going into partnerships that are mutually beneficial.
He reiterated the commitment of his administration to improving all sectors of the State for the collective good of the People. He hinted that the health and education sectors are not left out as they government has commenced turning around the Plateau State Specialist Hospital and through the State Universal Basic Education Board it has awarded contracts for the construction of 148 School Blocks.
“We promised the People of Plateau State a responsible government and turnaround the inglorious stories of the State. Government is building a prosperous Plateau State.
“We’ll put in place sound policies that will enhance growth and development”

Earlier Secretary to the Government of the State, Arc. Samuel Jatau urged the Media Practitioners to always stand by the truth, be factual and objective in their reportage. He said despite the legal battles at the Tribunal, the present administration didn’t derail but was focused in providing good governance through sound leadership.

Plateau State Chairman of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Mrs Ayiku Pwaspo commended the transformative agenda of the present administration in the State that is aimed at turning around the fortunes of the State.
She applauded the remarkable achievements of the Governor Caleb Mutfwang-led administration as seen in the infrastructural interventions put in place by the government and the plans to resettle persons displaced from their ancestral homes.
She said the media will continue to support the government in harnessing the huge potentials in the State and work towards achieving development.

He assured the Citizens of the State of exceptional leadership and the provision of good governance saying the ongoing projects across the State are just to stabilise the State in terms of infrastructural development while more projects will soon be executed.

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Gov. Mutfwang Vows to Stimulate Plateau’s Economy and Make State More Friendly to Attract Investors

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.