Gov. Lalong Launches AGILE Programme in Plateau

By Martha Agas

Gov. Simon Lalong of Plateau has on Saturday officially launched the World Bank supported Adolescent Girls’ Initiative For Learning and Empowerment (AGILE) project at Government House Jos.

Speaking at the event the governor said that the project was to augment government efforts in consolidating on inculcating academic, life skills as well as digital skills to adolescent girls in Plateau.

‘’Under this administration, education had been taken seriously hence, the renovation of all Public Junior and Senior Secondary Schools under the School Improvement Grants of the AGILE Project,” he said.

He urged adolescent girls to maximise the opportunities of the project in building their capacities to become great women in future.

‘’We have set a precedence for the inclusion of women in governance, thereby making it easier for you(adolescent girls) in the near future.

‘’ I call on parents on this note, to ensure they give their Girl-Child the requisite education, the resources are now available, grab them and utilise them. Be great ambassadors of the AGILE Project,’’he said.

He thanked the world bank for designing the project to suit the peculiarities of Plateau and their unrelenting effort in ensuring that the girl child does not remain a societal burden.

He said that the state government would continue to provide standard and quality education in safe, accessible and conducive learning environment and urged all stakeholders to contribute their quota.

‘’ With all the resources put in place, parents, guardians, School Based Management Committees (SBMCs) teachers must support the girl-child.

‘’To ensure they access free and compulsory quality education to bridge the gender and social divides amongst Plateau State children,’’ he said.

Earlier in his remarks,the Acting State Project of AGILE, Mr Dachung Thomas said that the project comprised of components which included creating new safe learning spaces and renovation and rehabilitation of secondary schools.

He said others also include social norms and communication; life skills and digital skills.

He said that project under such components would include the construction of nine classrooms for Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) and 12 classrooms for Senior Secondary School (SSS).

‘’In Plateau 55 sites have been identified for interventions comprising of 35 primary schools to be upgraded to JSS and 20 JSS to be upgraded to SSS.

‘’The 35 JSS when completed will provide 350 classrooms,490 toilets and accommodated and expected enrollment of 14,000 students.

‘’While the 20 SSS will provide 240 classrooms, 20 multipurpose halls, 20 admin blocks,20 science labs,20 computer rooms , 280 toilets and will accommodate and expected 9600 students,’’ he said.

He explained that the projects would be executed in two phases adding that 609 schools would be renovated and Information Communication Technology(ICT)materials procured.

The official added that 160 teachers and students would be trained on digital skills across the 17 LGAs as master trainers while 15,587 students would also be trained on the skills in 36 Senior Secondary Schools.

He said that ICT gadgets would be procured and distributed to 80 selected SSS including installing internet connectivity which was already ongoing. (NAN)

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Gov. Lalong Launches AGILE Programme in Plateau

| Education |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.