G-17 Speaks on Northern States Governors Position on Ranching

March 2nd, 2018
Plateau Youth G-17 Peace and Progressive Forum

Press Release



While farmers are engaged in agriculture which they do either subsistence or commercial, they do so as private businesses to boost food sufficiency in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

While in Subsistence Farming, the focus is self sufficiency farming system in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their entire families, in commercial Farming crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in the market, that is, for commercial purposes.

We are much more aware that ranching is among the solutions to farmers/herdsmen crisis.

We must also be conversant that the present crisis is triggered by selfish and well-planned agenda of forceful takeovers of lands from native farmers by the attackers. This is one of the reasons why many villages have been sacked by herdsmen and presently being illegally occupied by them.

While we welcome the decision of the Northern States Governors Forum settling for ranching, we wish to categorically state that such ranching should not be funded by public funds rather, the herdsmen should be allowed to legitimately acquire lands from landowners and develop private ranches since cattle rearing is a private business.

Government role is to providing enabling environment for farming and cattle rearing to thrive for socioeconomic development and food sufficiency.

Any attempt to forcefully seize lands from natives by government for the purpose of ranching instead of the native farmers willingly agreeing to give out or sell lands for this purpose will be vehemently resisted.

We wish to state again that both farming and cattle rearing are private businesses, therefore individuals should be allowed to legitimately run them.

It will not augur well to landowners if government will take their lands and give them out to a particular ethnicity for its business while they are left wallowing in pains.

Having said this, it is imperative for the Northern States Governors Forum to take note of the aforementioned since they posited that they are open to suggestions that can end the incessant killings associated with the conflicts.

Acquiring lands without the consent and willingness of the owners will further create more tension and apprehension in them. Suspicion already exist in the hearts of farmers following the violent crisis and hostilities meted on them by same herdsmen who they believe are on an expansionary mission of land grasping.

Government should have a rethink should they be thinking of funding the ranching from public resources.

We also want to reiterate our position for government to come up with law prohibiting open grazing in Plateau State and retrieving lands forcefully taken over by herdsmen from natives all across the State.

We remain committed to things promoting peaceful coexistence, unity and prosperity of our State and Nation but will resist those capable of promoting social injustices.

We will continue to contribute our quota towards national peace, cohesion and development for a more united and prosperous State and Country at large.

Thank you and God bless.

Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos
Convener, Plateau Youth G-17 Peace and Progressive Forum

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G-17 Speaks on Northern States Governors Position on Ranching

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.