Flood Affects Ganawuri Communities Riyom LGA, Residents Cry out For Assistance

Flood Affects Ganawuri Communities Riyom LGA, Residents Cry out For Assistance

Heavy torrential downpour that lasted more than four hours yesterday in Ganawuri Chiefdom of Riyom LGA in Plateau State destroyed farmlands and flooded some homes thereby displacing the people.

The people said they have never experienced such as a community.

Properties and farmlands worth millions of naira were destroyed and we are calling on governments at all levels, Non-governmental organizations well meaning Nigerians to come to our Rescue as we are predominantly farmers and by implication our food supply and well being are definitely being affected.

Communities most affected are Bum, Korodah and Fangroi.

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Flood Affects Ganawuri Communities Riyom LGA, Residents Cry out For Assistance

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.