Felicitations from Hon. Beni Lar on the 2019 Nzem Berom celebration

On behalf of the people of Langtang North & South federal constituency, my family, friends & political associates I will like to convey sincere & warm wishes to the Gbom Gwom Jos & chairman of the joint traditional council of chiefs his royal highness Da Dr Jacob Gyang Bubba on the occasion of the 2019 Nzem Berom celebration I will not forget to pay glowing tribute to the founding fathers of this Traditional Area upon whose blood, toil and ideals it was established. We are grateful to them for the selflessness and good leadership they exhibited and gave the area an identity over the years. Nzem Berom, as I am reliably informed, means “Berom day”. The occasion should, therefore, remind us of the chords of love, fellow feeling and brotherliness that existed among our forebearers. As you continue the celebration of this cultural heritage, I urge you to reinvigorate the communal spirit, discipline and sustained hard work for the betterment of our people. Such celebration remind us of our history and you have to be commended for this. Generally, we cannot move ahead without knowing where we are coming from. During these days our youth especially, who constitute the future leadership of our country, Nigeria need to be knowledgeable about our culture, tradition and history. This will help them to position themselves appropriately and take the proverbial baton from the elders when they pass it on to them. Let me seize this opportunity to implore the good people of Beromland to use the occasion to resolve to work harder for the rapid development of the area. Undoubtedly, I believe that the occasion would also be used to take stock of the short comings and inadequacies of the Berom nation, in terms of development to enable it position itself appropriately in this fast pacing world. The litmus test of the Berom nation forward march to achieving the much needed development for its people, would be measured by how successfully it has been able to fully exploit its natural and, human resources for the benefit of the people of the Traditional Area in particular and the region as a whole. Furthermore, let us use the celebrations to provide a perspective on marketing the investment potentials of the area, highlight her contribution to national development and unearth the strengths, as well as examine the crucial developmental challenges facing it, to provide the best way forward. It is the expectation of the plateau people that the Berom Traditional Council would use the celebration to epitomize the aspirations of her founding fathers whose overriding policies revolve around social development, the private, human resource development and good governance. Personally, it is a great delight and inspiration for me to be intrinsically linked to the celebration of this epic festival. I cherish the hope that you will have a wonderful and successful celebration. May the Almighty God richly bless the Chiefs and people of berom land & plateau as a whole. Thank you. Signed; Hon. Beni Lar Member Representing Langtang North / South federal constituency.

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Felicitations from Hon. Beni Lar on the 2019 Nzem Berom celebration

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