Dr. Kenneth Egwuda Represents Africa in British House of commons to Discuss Policy Issues Relating to Safety in Practice of Assisted Reproduction Technology that is IVF

Dr. Kenneth Egwuda Represents Africa in British House of commons to Discuss Policy Issues Relating to Safety in Practice of Assisted Reproduction Technology that is IVF.

By Amb. Friday Bako
Viewpoint Nigeria
7th May, 2018

Our spotlight today is on Dr. Kenneth Egwuda, a Consultant Gynaecologist, IVF/ART Specialist, Minimal Access Surgeon. He is the Chief Medical Director/CEO of ASPL Hospitals and Diagnostic Centre No. 2 Tari Close Opposite PRTVC Rayfield Office Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.

On his Visit to the British House of Commons (Parliament), Dr. Kenneth has these to say:

How I came about being the only African or Nigerian to be in the programme at the British Parliament was based on the fact that we practice the Minimal Stimulation IVF or the Natural Cycle IVF which are the technology in use without medication at all or where little quantity of medication are used all in the attempt to minimizing the risks to the clients who patronizes the Assisted Reproduction Technology.
Coincidentally, there was a programme by the Society he belongs, ISMAAR: The International Society for Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction. Had a meeting at the United Kingdom which coincided with when the British Government was discussing the Bill for the safety of Assisted Reproduction Technology in the World which is his specialization. Different practitioners across the globe where represented in the programme.

They therefore had the privilege of critical and intensive discussion with the MP in charge of the Bill for the Safety of Assisted Reproductive Technology. They were given the opportunity to air their views and those present were surprised that somewhere in Africa the Minimal Stimulation IVF was being practiced and were extremely happy for that milestone and breakthrough by a young African being in their midst doing the programme.

It coincided also with the celebration of the 40th Birthday of the First IVF Baby in the World, the Lady known as Louise Brown. He said it was iconic to see her and had the privilege of interacting with her to find out what the life of an IVF Baby meant outside in the World and whether or not she had other challenges since she was conceived and delivered through the Assisted Reproduction Technology. Louise Brown represents an epitome of safety in Assisted Reproduction Technology because she was conceived by the Natural Cycle IVF which is the kind of practice that they are currently promoting.
As it stands now in Nigeria, he is an Ambassador for Natural Cycle IVF.

After the programme, the President of ISMAAR who controls several centres in the UK requested him going to some of their centres where Natural Cycle IVF or Minimal Stimulation IVF is being practiced and also work with them to see how they do their programme as well as see if there are improvements he could bring back home to Nigeria and Africa and that he did.

On the Award of Excellence by League of African Development Students (LEADS Africa) on Friday 4th May, 2018 as “Africa’s Patriotic Personality of the Year” he said the award was sudden and he and his organization never saw it coming as they were being informed just two days to the presentation. His organization Alps Hospitals and Diagnostic Centre Jos was honored with Corporate Mandate Award. He said after observing some profiles in Africa and seeing what they are doing, the group chose him and the management/staff of his organization to be honored.

He said the awards made him felt that the little things they were doing in their various corners were being noticed, evaluated, appreciated, certified and chosen to be celebrated. He said the awards will definitely make him happy and spur him and his organization to do more in exceptional healthcare service delivery, value addition, client-focused and human capacity building in putting Nigeria and Africa to the better pedestal in the world. To also see if this could as enhance Medical Tourism with respect to Assisted Reproduction Technology, IVF in Jos, on the Plateau, Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

He has these for the youths in general and those planning to go into his profession and line of specialty;

Youths need to keep an open mind, the world is becoming more too advanced these days and life is changing. The practice of Medicine and other sphere of life too are changing. Therefore youths need to be at the cutting edge of information and also to reach for the trendy technologies in the world, that is the daring technology in the world and show the prowess that we have in youths and bring back those practices to Nigeria and Africa so they could be bridging the gap between the Western World and the African Continent so as to reduce the transfer of brain-drain and increase the trade trafficking within our region.

The youths must reach out to new horizon, new frontiers, pursue excellence and break new grounds.

Dr. Kenneth Egwuda has among many the following awards: 
1. Best Doctor 2017 by “Who is Who awards” 
2. Nigeria Humanitarian Icon Award by Our Majesty Publication 
3. International Project Award, by the American Academy of Project Management
4. Impact Maker on the Plateau 2018 by “Who is Who awards” 
5. Icon of Nation Building and Medical Development in Nigeria Award by Trans-Africa Students Initiatives. 
6. Africa’s Patriotic Personality Award by League of African Development Students (LEADS Africa)

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Dr. Kenneth Egwuda Represents Africa in British House of commons to Discuss Policy Issues Relating to Safety in Practice of Assisted Reproduction Technology that is IVF

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.