Creating Opportunities for Women and Empowering the Girl Child – Rt. Hon. George Edwards Daika

Preface to Rebuilding Plateau State: Creating Opportunities for Women and Empowering the Girl Child

By: Rt. Hon. George Edwards Daika

For any meaningful development to take place in a progressive society, the place of women must be firmly entrenched as a focal part of the major driving wheel to a determined and focus society.

It is a time tested and a universally accepted principal that all humans (men and women) are born equal and as such should be given the same opportunities to contribute towards the meaningful and pragmatic development of their societies.

Across the world, women have taken pivotal roles in the development of societies and governments. Some of the most powerful nations on earth have women in leadership positions. within the comity of nations women serve as advisors to world leaders because they placed the destinies of their economies and vital policy making organizations in the firm and trusted hands of women; women have served as policy makers, implementers and drivers of economies across the world.

It is time for us in Plateau state to create opportunities for our mothers and sisters, the custodians of our homes, economy and the society to reach up and break the glass ceiling.

Many governments have come and gone, most of them have relegated the ingenuity of women to the background.

The time has come to execute a blueprint that has created a deliberate policy that is aim at empowering women and creating opportunities for the girl child. It is a fact that we in Plateau state are blessed with some of the most educated breed of women in Nigeria, our Plateau women are highly ingenious and progressive minded.

Lately our young women have curved niches for themselves in national political discourses, our mothers are career civil servants who are well ingrained in terms of policy making and execution.

Sadly, little or no recognition is accorded to any of them; our mothers and sisters in the villages as hard working as they are, lack opportunities for the enhancement of their educational and economic capacities.

These bleak imageries must come to an end, it is time to involve our mothers, sisters and daughters in the business of governance, community development and policy promulgation and implementation.

If we must move forward as a state, then it is inherent that we listen to, and involve our mothers in the art and act of governance. It is time for us to stop paying leap service and start acting by implementing the spirit and letters of the affirmative action towards the development of all women.

As I have reiterated in my previous posts, Young people are at the center of the George Edwards Daika blueprint, it is important to note, that Women form one of the vital fulcrums upon which the blueprint is grafted. The combination of Youths and Women always infuse life and progressive dimensions into any society that is progressive in form and nature.

I therefore wish to call on all lovers of a Progressive and Stable Plateau to key into the Rebuilding Blueprint.

Join us as we plan and work towards Rebuilding our collective Heritage. Plateau state is ours to safe guard, it is ours to develop and it is ours to uplift.

Thank You and God bless Plateau State,
#RebuildingPlateau….our collective resolve

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Creating Opportunities for Women and Empowering the Girl Child – Rt. Hon. George Edwards Daika

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.