COVID-19: Nigerians Celebrate Two Patriots for Fixing Two Ventilators in JUTH at No Cost

As the world continue to struggle to tackle the global devastating impact of the Coronavirus, two Nigerians, Williams Gyang and Nura Jibrin in Jos Plateau State are being celebrated and applauded by Nigerians from all walks of life for contributing their quota towards the fight against the dreaded COVID-19 by fixing two (2) faulty ventilators belonging to the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH).

Mr Williams Gyang and Nura Jibrin Fixed the Ventilators which were hitherto abandoned as scraps.

When asked what prompted their action, Mr. Williams Gyang an Installation Expert and Digital Technology Engineer said he looked at how COVID-19 is killing people in thousands globally with global active cases put at over 700,000, his plan was to fabricate ventilator since it is the machine needed for critical cases of the Coronavirus. Williams posited that global demands for ventilators have significantly increase, yet production of the machine is far below the demand for the medical machine. He said he wished he was a Medical Doctor to help save lives, but believed he can still assist in his little way to fight COVID-19.
He said he approached the Chief Medical Director of JUTH and offered to fix the ventilators and any other broken machine that would be needed in the Diagnosis after being told there were faulty ventilators which were no longer being used, treatment or management of suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19 having carried out deep research in the medical machine.
He said he was shown few faulty Ventilators and invited his partner, Nura Jibrin to fix.
He said they were given access to the ventilators and have so far fixed 2 and still working on the third ventilator.

When asked if they are fixing the ventilators for gratification, he said how much will he be collecting and yet be seeing thousand deaths recorded without their inputs in solving the needs at hand.

Mr. Williams said he is touched by the number of deaths recorded daily from the Coronavirus and feel he can do something to help the public.

He appreciated the General Manager of Plateau Radio Television Corporation (PRTVC) where he presently work for being supportive to him and the Executive Governor of Plateau State for his commitment to training talents.
He said Plateau State is blessed with talents that needs to be harnessed for the common good of the State, Nation and World at large.

Mr. Williams called on government at all levels to build the capacities of the youths who are ready to contribute to Nation building and National development.

Mr. Nura Jibrin said what they are doing is their contribution to humanity towards the fight against COVID-19 saying he feel fulfilled solving problems which will save many lives.

Nura urged Nigerians to united and obey all directives by government aimed at preventing the spread and containing COVID-19.
He said the directives are for the common good of the populace and to enhance public health.

Meanwhile the Chief Medical Director of JUTH, Prof. Edmund Banwat has commended the youths who are working assiduously to save lives by fixing faulty ventilators.

He confirmed that they have fixed 2 Ventilators so far and still working on another. He lauded the ingenuity of the youths, their innovative and inventive prowess as well as their industrious disposition which he said is fascinating.

He said he had doubt from the beginning when he was approached by the gentlemen considering how sensitive a ventilator is but now very impressed by the talents and capabilities being displayed by the young men.

He underscored the importance of ventilators to isolation centres saying they remain critical in managing advanced cases of COVID-19 which is breathing difficulties.

Speaking on the Coronavirus, Prof. Edmund described the Coronavirus as a global threat to human health, peace and lives.

He charged the people to practice social distancing, wash their hands frequently using running water or use hand sanitizers with 70% alcohol content as approved by the World Health Organization, avoid handshake, avoid crowded places, maintain good personal hygiene and adhere strictly to other safety, preventive and precautionary measures to stem the spread of the virus.

He said Plateau State is yet to record any positive case of the virus but proactive measures are being put in place to prevent and contain the disease.
He said JUTH being one of the isolation centres in the State is one of the best in the Country.

He said JUTH now has 6 functioning ventilators including the ones fixed by the two youths. He said there is need for ventilators in the Hospital and they have placed order for more ventilators but since the global outbreak of COVID-19, the manufacturers are unable to meet global demands for the machines.

He said youths such as Williams Gyang and Nura Jibrin should be encouraged to put in their best I producing Ventilators locally to meet national needs.

He said the Federal Ministry of Health is compiling list of ventilators to be supplied to Federal Health Facilities across the Nation.

Many have celebrated the patriotic and heroic disposition of the duo, Williams Gyang and Nura Jibrin.

Find below some posts celebrating the heroes:

  • Dr. Fabong Jemchang Yildam, the Chairman Plateau Youth Council and a Medical Consultant lauds the duo with the following words:
    Let me first commend my compatriots Willy and Nura whom have demonstrated the highest level of responsible citizenship by choosing to walk the talk.

They refused to be dragged into that easier path of blame game, by being the change they wish to see. I am particularly proud because the Plateau Spirit was once again brought to bear.

Many shall be saved from their selfless service. Many more will come to hear the heroics of the duo. The number of ventilators have increased courtesy their patriotic act.

The Plateau State Youth Council celebrate Willy and Nura.

  • Dr Fabong Jemchang Yildam
  • Alh. Atiku Abubakar, GCON Former Vice President of Nigeria has this to say:
    Atiku Abubakar @atiku wrote on Twitter: I commend these moves aimed at seeking homegrown solutions to the #COVID19 pandemic in Nigeria. Also commendable are the efforts of Gyang William and Nura Jibrin, who at their discretion and no cost, fixed faulty ventilators at Jos University Teaching Hospital, in Plateau state.
  • Mr. Davidson Rotshak Lar, JP has this to say:

I read so patiently the account of your heroic and patriotic act of repairing the “scrapped” ventilators in JUTH. I don’t know what a ventilator is, but if it will save lives, then I want to say am so proud of you – my friend and brother.

I have collaborated with you so many times on Plateau Projects and have seen you so selfless and patriotic. But this one you just did is the bravest and greatest of all your acts. History would be kind to you.

I will buy you lunch soon. By the way, I tried your number twice and it isn’t connecting

  • Da JosBoi has this to say:
  1. They didnt just sit back and say “we dont have anything to donate”……. No!? They said ‘We have an Interlectual Property that can help”
    The repair of one ventilator is in the excess of a million Naira, almost two million Naira. They repaired two.
  2. They did their work meticulously and quietly. In fact, they specifically told me that they do it not to be famous but as their contributions to containing the pandemic. I told them we would nonetheless want them to be famous because we need more people to know them and their examplary heroic act of kindness as opposed to the saddening news of the casualties of the virus.
  3. They both showed that human kindness transcends both religious and ethnic devides, that we all need each other and we are first Humans before any lebel of division is placed on us.

Above all, they showed that once there is the will to solve any problem, there would certainly be a way of solving it.

  • Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe Ph.D has this to say about the duo:

While the donations of multimillionaires is trending on social media, Gyang William and Nura Jibrin quietly walked into Jos University Teaching Hospital, JUTH and requested to fixed all their broken down ventilators at NO COST as part of their contribution to fight Covid-19.

The cost of one ventilator ranges between $30,000 to $50,000 (Between N12 million to N18 million) before you add tax, custom duty, freight, etc. That will make us appreciate their contribution.

Dr Daniel Meshak reported that they have so far fixed two that were considered scrap bringing the total number of ventilators in JUTH to 6. In many cases, persons infected by coronavirus require ventilator to survive and its a critical tool in the fight against this disease.

The contribution of this two golden hearts is one of the purest form of patriotism I have seen in recent times by any nigerian citizen. You can’t imagine how many lives will be saved by this singular act. It is in the DNA of Plateau citizens to always lead from the front in that respect.

The two of them are proudly JOStified.

These are some of the glimpses of hopes that make many to still have faith in this country and keep mustering hope in the future of Plateau state.

Their contribution is a proof that regardless of our tribes, religion or creed, we can join hands and collectively fight Covid-19.
Together we can truly defeat this Covid-19.
Thank you so very much William Gyang and Nura Jibrin and may our good God bless you.


  • Dr. Daniel Meshak wrote:

As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, many have succumbed to the temptation of the blame game. They blame government, health workers and others for the lack of adequate preparation to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. They forget that blaming others at this point will not help us as the scourge is already upon us. However, there are still some who are thinking of how or what they can contribute to this fight with their skills.

One of such persons is Williams Gyang. As we get worked up with the inadequate number of ventilators we have, he called to tell me how he wants to construct a ventilator to increase the numbers we have in Plateau State. Being that he was no health personnel, he wanted to see how a ventilator operates and if he could get some parts from spoilt or “scrapped” ventilators. We went to JUTH and thankfully, the JUTH leadership gave him a chance. He was shown ventilators that were spoilt and even considered as “scraps”. To cut the long story short, himself and his friend Nura Jibrin were able to fixed 3 ventilators that were not working before. This increased the number of ventilators in JUTH to 6. In a resource-limited setting like ours, this is no mean feat

What Williams Gyang and Nura Jebril did is what I pray every Nigerian will do. This pandemic calls for unity among us in order to win. Think of what you can contribute to this fight against the pandemic with your gifts or skills. This pandemic is on us and blaming government will not help us.

I write this to celebrate Williams Gyang and Nura Jebril who are motivated to live a life of contribution and make a difference in the society. They are not thinking of material gain but seeking to make a difference on humanity. I am appealing to Plateau State Government to look within to get a pool of innovators, artisans, scientists and researchers to help in this fight against COVID-19. In addition, I want to profusely thank the CMD (Prof Edmond Banwat) and CMAC (Dr Pokop Bupwatda) of JUTH for taking a chance on Williams and Nura.


  • Dr Daniel Meshak



CovidNGR #Covid19Plateau

  • Cmr. Friday Bako wrote:

“I celebrate the duo of Williams Gyang and Nura Jibrin who out of patriotism and commitment towards the fight against COVID-19 fixed two (2) Ventilators belonging to Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Plateau State which were considered scraps for free.

The global demand for Ventilators has risen and some companies are already considering manufacturing the medical equipment to address the global threat posed by COVID-19.

For those who are following the devastating impact of COVID-19, you will agree with me that there is acute shortage of Ventilators on account of the total cases of the virus which is currently growing exponentially and in a geometric progression.

From my little research, Ventilators range from $25,000 for a basic model to $50,000 for a machine used in the most advanced intensive care units. Buying them also requires additional large investments in staff and training.

The aforementioned will tell you how much (cost) the duo, Willie & Nura were able to save JUTH and Nigeria.

You guys deserve commendation and applause.
The machines will aid in saving many lives in this critical time.

God bless and endowed you with technical know-how for greater impacts.”

Cmr. Friday Bako

  • BECO wrote:


The Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO), celebrates one of its very hardworking, selfless, resilient and patriotic members, and a son of Beromland in whom we are very well pleased.

Engr William Gyang is by all means, simple, humble and unassuming, but with a heart of gold.

  1. This young man has in the past, amply demonstrated love and care for the needies at home, hospitals and in the internally displaced persons camps (IDPs). In short William is a veritable study in selflessness and service to humanity.
  2. The news that rules the social media today, of his reactivating six unserviceable ventilators at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), did not in anyway at all, come to us by surprise. It is typical and normal of him. The most important thing here is the fact that these ventilators are very critical in the management of COVID 19 patients.
  3. Coming at this helpless and hopeless stage where the international community is on the brink of losing hope in its ability to confront the rampaging Coronavirus.
    5.Engr William’s rare display of professional skill and entrepreneural expertise is the best gift to Plateau. That he saw hope in the midst of despair, light in the valley of darkness, strength where strongmen have been carpeted into submission, is not only rare, but unimaginable.
  4. We in BECO see in the feat achieved by Engr William Gyang, hope for the land, long abandoned and forsaken, derided and denigrated by the powers that be. We are once more encouraged and motivated by the fact that William did not give up in the line of structured frustration. Instead, he relied on the admonition of the scriptures that where there is a casting down there is a lifting up.
  5. BECO therefore rejoices with William Gyang, his family, the Berom nation, Plateau state and indeed the nation. We urge him not to rest on his oars but to strive to conquer new challenges.
  6. We also implore government to take advantage of this positive development to identify hidden talents that abound in the nooks and crannies of the 17 Local Government Areas of Plateau and encourage them to develop their gifts. This we believe is the best form of empowerment.

Chollom Gyang
Secretary General.

  • Rep. Engr. Solomon Bulus Maren, Member representing Mangu/Bokkos Federal Constituency commented: “God bless you my brother for bringing your skills and knowledge to bear in this critical moment the World over. You will forever be in our hearts for bringing hope to the hopeless and reminding the World that YES WE CAN. Congratulations sir”
  • Bamshak Tuwan wrote: These are behind the scene warriors in the war against COVID19. A big kudos to Willie G. and Nura.

Godswill Gochin Gakkuk wrote:
Those CFR,MFR, CON, OON, these are the icons that deserve it.

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COVID-19: Nigerians Celebrate Two Patriots for Fixing Two Ventilators in JUTH at No Cost

| Health & Lifestyle |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.