Civil Servants in Plateau State to Resume Work on Monday as Industrial Action is Suspended

Following the agreement reached between the Plateau State Joint Negotiation Council (JNC) and the Government of Plateau State leading to the suspension of the over two-Month industrial action, State and Local Government Council Employees in the State have been directed to resume work on Monday 17th July, 2023.
Announcing the suspension of the strike action Chairman of JNC, Cmr. Titus Malau and the Secretary, Cmr. Timothy Gopep hinted that the Labour Leaders in the State and the State Government have reached an agreement which necessitated the suspension of the Industrial action with immediate effect.
Accordingly to the Statement they jointly signed “government has issued circular directing all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to implement all promotions with immediate effect even as outstanding salaries for the Month of February, 2023 have been paid”
They also said “the Government has concluded working on consolidated Salary table for State civil servants, and same has been signed by both parties.
the Government has prepared salary spreadsheet for the month of March 2023 capturing arrears of Annual Increment for January and February 2022, same has been presented to the Unions while payment of March 2023 salary to commence on 4th July 2023 after staff verification. That the salaries of the months of April and May 2023 will be paid in the same manner as that of March immediately funds are available”
The statement also said that “the payment of salary to the newly employed civil servants shall be carried out upon conclusion of the review of their employment by the committee set-up for that purpose”

In the agreement reached “government is to pay arrears of salaries to Local Government Employees as soon as it receives its subvention for the month of May 2023. Government shall restore the payment of Domestic Staff Allowance to officers on Grade Levels 15 and 16 along with June, 2023 salary.
Government upon release of promotions and Annual Increments, shall effect payments thereof commencing July, 2023.
payments of salaries shall be centralized in the spirit of brotherhood to assist the weaker Local Governments”

While directing staff to resume work on Monday, the leadership of the Workers’ Union hinted that they observed some challenges with the payment of the March 2023 salary which they will follow up to ensure they are resolved.

While appreciating members for their cooperation and resilience during the industrial action, the Leaders said no worker shall be victimized for participating in the strike action.

It will be recalled that the State and Local Government Civil Servants embarked on strike on 11th May, 2023 over Government inability to meet the agreements earlier reached with the Labour Unions in the State which include lack of promotion, non-implementation of existing salary structure, and third-party dedications as part of the issues.

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Civil Servants in Plateau State to Resume Work on Monday as Industrial Action is Suspended

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.