Berom Registered Organization Condemns Disparaging Press Conference by Sylvanus Lot’s Group

PRESS RELEASE 18th July, 2018.
The Berom nation is shocked and taken aback at the allegations and deliberate destruction of the truth by the press conference addressed by a so called coalition of Plateau patriots led by one Sylvanus Lot.

This coalition is unknown and their motivation highly suspicious because many of them lack any qualification to be recognized as patriots in Plateau state.

Their conference in many ways clearly disrespected and belittled the current plight and agony of victims of the recent attacks by killer herdsmen in Gashish, Ropp, Barkin Ladi and Riyom in addition to Bassa, Bokkos and Mangu Local Government Areas where more than 230 innocent lives were butchered and roasted like chicken in their homes.

In their desperate attempt to gain political mileage for their selfish political interest which is overtly known to us, this partisan elements concocted and muddled up accounts of the unfortunate attack on the Governor of the state, alleging that some Berom people were using the misfortune of the IDPs for political objectives.

For the avoidance of doubt Anguldi where the unfortunate attack took place is a cosmopolitan setting, housing different ethnic groups within and outside the state.

The gate and store of the IDP camp were equally broken and damaged with the intention of looting relief materials.

It is on record that all registered Berom Associations including His Majesty the Gbong Gwom Jos have never condoned the stoning of any Governor as we had equally condemned attacks on Governors J.C Dariye and J.D Jang.

The allegation that links the Berom to violence in government house, Little Rayfield is to say the least, a blatant lie and very malicious, because the Berom nation did not organize the said protest in anyway.

For the records, the Berom nation has always condemned the blockage of roads by hoodlums and criminals who take advantage of Fulani attacks to unleash mayhem on innocent citizens. In our view, the security agencies need to be more proactive in such circumstances in order to avoid degeneration and escalation of violence.

Therefore, for these self appointed Plateau Patriots who are yet to visit or contribute to the welfare of the IDPs to drum up wild and unsubstantiated allegations against the Berom is simply to betray the sinister motive of their Press Conference which appears to have been sponsored to pitch the Berom against other ethnic groups in Plateau state.

We dare to warn Sylvanus Lot and his cohorts that such a satanic agenda shall not succeed because the Berom are incontrovertibly peace loving and highly accommodative as can be attested to by the good people of Plateau state and other citizens of Nigeria.

Furthermore, to claim that some highly placed individuals were actively involved in the violence that occurred in Government House, Little Rayfield is to be economical with the truth and playing to the gallery in order to cover ineptitude and insensitivity.

On the whole, the Berom are dismayed that some individuals and groups like the so called Plateau patriots are deliberately trying to mislead the public and divert government attention from addressing the prevailing security challenges in Barkin Ladi and Riyom local government areas where killings and maiming of innocent lives by Fulani herdsmen have continued unabated. In this regard 2 persons were ambushed and shot dead at Nding in Fan district on Friday, 13th July 2018 and another 2 killed at Bek in Foron district, their cattle rustled, while one of them escaped narrowly with injuries.

The Berom nation vehemently rejects the allegations and insinuations contained in the text of the S.D. Lot led press conference of coalition of Plateau patriots and therefore, demands an unreserved apology from the initiators, sponsors and presenters of that ill motivated conference.

As a nation we shall continue to stand on the side of the truth, peace and justice for all citizens living within and outside Plateau.
In the same vein, we shall live to resist surrogates and sycophants determined to achieve selfish and partisan interest at the expense of our people.
Finally, we acknowledge the outpouring of love, empathy and sacrifice to our IDPs by individuals, Churches and NGOs.

Also, the initial efforts of the Federal and Plateau state governments are appreciated with an additional plea for more supplies and the disbursement of the ₦10 billion Victims Support Fund for the rebuilding of homes and an early return of the IDPs.

Da Davou Choji Davou
General Secretary, Berom Educational and Cultural Organization (BECO)

Ngo Florence Jambol
President, Berom Women DevelopmetAssociation (BEWDA)

Rws. Choji Dalyop Chuwang
President, Berom Youth Moulders Association

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Berom Registered Organization Condemns Disparaging Press Conference by Sylvanus Lot’s Group

| Press Release |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.