Berom Organization Inaugurates New Caretaker Executives, Urged to Make Unity Cardinal Objective

In order not to allow for leadership vacuum, the Berom Educational and Cultural Organization (BECO) at the National Level on Tuesday 6th November, 2018 inaugurated its caretaker Committee to pilot the affairs of the apex body until elections are conducted within the shortest possible time.

The event took place at the National Secretariat of the Association Near Standard Organization of Nigeria, along Bukuru to Rayfield Road Jos South LGA, Plateau State.

In his exhortation, Rev. Ezekiel Foron said the times are perilous and the Berom Nation is going through hard times in terms of insecurity, conspiracy, stereotypes and prejudices of all sorts but was quick to say it will get over them and emerge stronger, better and greater at the end.
Rev. Ezekiel charged the Berom Nation to demonstrate perseverance, courage and unite to overcome the storms confronting it.
He admonished the people to get closer to God and serve Him diligently and wholeheartedly.

He also charged the incoming Executives to work towards uniting the Berom Nation and taking it to the path of prosperity. He said they must be bold and fearless to confront all the challenges bedevilling the Berom Nation.

Outgoing National Secretary of the Organization, Da Davou Choji thanked God and the people for the supports accorded them during their tenure.

He went further to speak on the successes recorded during their three years tenure as well as challenges.

He told the incoming Executives that their duties among others include the effective running of the organization, constitute an electoral committee and supervise same for the conduct of Elections.

He congratulated them and wished them a successful tenure saying their rooms are opened for contributions in anyway possible the New Executives deemed fit.

Barr. Gyang Zi administered the oath of office on the incoming Executives.

The incoming Chairman, Da Francis Jamang promised to work with all progressive minds within the short period they would be holding fort. He said the Committee with work in line with the Constitution of the group and called on the people to support them to achieve the set objectives.

Below are names of the Caretaker Executives appointed on 3rd November, 2018 at the Congress Meeting of BECO who were sworn-in;

1. Da Francis Jamang – Chairman
2. Da Martins Dalyop – Secretary
3. Da Jibrin Gyang – Member
4. Da Yakubu Nyang – Member
5. Ngwo Maureen Danboyi – Member
6. Da Yakubu Lep – Member
7. Ngwo Rifkatu Datiri – Member

The event was well attended by illustrious sons and daughters of the Berom Nation.

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Berom Organization Inaugurates New Caretaker Executives, Urged to Make Unity Cardinal Objective

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.