BECO: Da Gyang Dudu Declares Intention to Vie For National President

Berom Organisation: Da Gyang Dudu Declares Intention to Vie for Presidency

Amb. Friday Bako
Viewpoint Nigeria
November 16th, 2018

Da Gyang Dudu Dalyop, “the Jagaban” as he is fondly referred to, a Former Assistant Comptroller of Customs in the Nigerian Customs Service has declared his intention to contest for the National President of the Berom apex body, Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO) following the expiration of the tenure of the Executives and the appointment as well as inauguration of a caretaker Committee headed by Da Francis Jamang with the major aims of overseeing the affairs of the Association and conducting elections in line with the association of the Body.

Da Gyang Dudu said his decision to to vie for the number one seat is to serve and make great sacrifice towards a more united, peaceful and prosperous Berom Nation.

He has served BECO, Lagos Branch for over 10 years and said he is ready to bring his wealth of experience and expertise to grow the National body.

Da Gyang Dudu retired from the Nigerian Customs having served for almost 29 Years of meritorious service to Nigeria.

He has many awards to his credit and has engaged in so many human development projects through strategic youth empowerment, mentorship and assistance to less privileged.

He is from Vwang (Vom) District Jos South LGA, Plateau State.

He is exposed, widely traveled, sociable, a mentor to many.

Below is the declaration of interest made available to Viewpoint Nigeria:

Why Am I Seeking For BECO Highest Office? – Da Gyang Dalyop Dudu

Sequel to the expiration of the last Executive Committee of the Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO), I have been approached by not a few individuals and groups representing a range of interests. I have given thought and consideration to these moves.

I have also discussed with a cross section of the Berom Nation to have a good idea of the thinking of our people on the all important issue of effective leadership at the level of the BECO.

From the depth of my heart my interest and desire to offer myself to the office of the president of BECO is not borne out of inordinate ambition or just sheer ambition. It is a product of deep thought and analysis of the travails of the land and the people.

I have led the Berom people in Lagos for over 10 yrs and testimonies are abound. I don’t see the Office of the Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO) President as a contestable one but a position of sacrifice.

A lot of blames have been shifted to the Gbong Gwom because of these voids. Today I can safely say am a veteran having served in the Nigeria Customs Service for close to 29 yrs.

I am home and desire to bring in my wealth of experience, knowledge and skills to move the Berom Nation forward.

Having led the Lagos branch of the BECO for over 10 years with lots of positive results to show, I stand with all sense of modesty to say I am willing and by His grace, able, given the opportunity.

I am compelled beyond all reasonable doubt that offering myself to lead the BECO at this very trying, challenging and hostile time is the biggest and greatest sacrifice one will make for the good of the land and our people, even unborn generations. It is not just a contest for self glorification or name making or any form of selfishness.

That is why I am ever ready to step down for a better candidate at any point in time the occasion warrants.

My decision to serve the Berom Nation is my own way of saying thank you to a society that has made me proud and identified with me on all facets.

Let me make it explicitly clear that there is no one person that can bring this desired turnaround in our nation but our collective will.

Together if we agree and join hands, a united, peaceful and prosperous Berom Nation is possible.

Thank you and God bless.

Da Gyang Dudu Dalyop
Prospective Presidential Aspirant, BECO

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BECO: Da Gyang Dudu Declares Intention to Vie For National President

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.