APC Replies PDP: Between Facts and PDP’s Irrational Postulation





Ordinarily, we wouldn’t have any cause to contemplate responding to the irrational, wishful and nonchalance attitudes of the People’s Democratic Party’s political gimmicks, at this most trial moments of the state, national and global tragedy.

From the on set, every sensible human being has understand the efforts been put in place by this APC lead administration of Simon Lalong, all in trying to protect the lives of Plateau citizens, applying both proactive and stringent measures at one time or another.

It is important to highlight the facts that no Government in Plateau State has accord utmost priority to the security and safety of its citizens, like that of APC-Lalong administration. It is glaringly clear that lots of security measures, community dialogues and to some extent drastic measures of even arresting community and Hardo leadership at any giving attacks on innocent people. 

The PDP, should not shelved its ignorance of the fact that its alleged, “herders must be APC members,” as it is again a plain truth that herders or whoever the killers are, they do not have regards to which political party one belongs to, rather they attack whoever they perceived as their enemy. Where was the PDP when between 2007-2015, uncountable lives were killed, with attacks unabated till the emergence of the APC-Lalong administration.

Again it is a fact that despite the couples of attacks, people are enjoying more of peaceful coexistence than what was obtainable prior to this administration.

Even as we condemned any attack and killings  including the most recent one on our people, yet we make bold to say, making arrests of suspects shoulders on the security operatives, whom we trust are doing their utmost best to safeguard the lives of all in the state.

The PDP should understand better that it is not apt timing, for political gimmicks and the issue of security is sacrosanct, which should not be dragged to plain political lines to the detriment of the citizens, which its claimed to have loved, but failed in its days to protect.

On the issue of Corronavirus pandemic, the APC-Lalong, administration has put in place several measures that are aiding in preventing the occurrence of the disease in our state.

Recall that we swiftly put the Chinese citizens that came into our state and our citizens working with them on quarantine, whose end results was successfully negative. We further put in place several isolation centers within the three geopolitical zones of the state, even without a single confirmed case of the disease in our state.

The APC-Lalong administration, has directed for the procurement of additional ventilators and other medical equipments, as well as sets up endowment fund, besides the necessary requisites measures that will see to the prevention of the occurrence of the disease based on health experts recommendations in conformity with the international best measures, all in not only show of concerned but full care about the life and safety of our citizens.

Corronavirus as a world pandemic, which has both health and economic implications on countries, States and individual person’s endeavours, which Plateau State is not exceptional and therefore, the PDP should be wisely enlightened.

In furtherance of all, it is true that Governor Simon Lalong, has summoned a stakeholders meeting, where he met with the members of the State House of Assembly, at which both APC and PDP members attended, as led by their speaker, however, to our dismay the PDP, in its shameful characteristics has said, “but (sic), APC members were invited to project his performance.”

What more could be mere bewilderments and postulation from the PDP, than it discarding the present of its members, whom were conspicuously present, and for the record notable among whom were; Hon. Daniel Nonbol Listic, Hon. Easter Simi Dusu and Hon. Tyem Pirfa.

We seek to know wither they are not genuine members of the PDP, or is the PDP’s house not in good order, to warrant not having debriefing from members on such significant issues at hand, or did it acted based on ignorance or open quest for relevance after long of its slumber?

Reflecting on how the APC-Lalong, inherited almost zero kobo in the coffers of government from the PDP’s ruined resources which left the state in very bad financial status, with almost a year of workers salaries backlogs, myriads of unfinished roads projects, moribund industries and tertiary institutions among others. Yet Lalong has been able to settled all the backlog of salaries and is consistently paying salaries as at when due. 

It is on records that Plateau State University Bokkos, has been back with citizens benefitting, the Bokkos fertilizer plant is put back to work, among others. And all the unfinished roads projects were completed by the APC-Lalong administration.

Plateau citizens can better explain that our administration has in place ongoing legacy projects spread across the 17 LGA’s of the State, should the PDP’s blind foulded eyes, could not see, we direct them to ask the people.

Budgets are projections, wherein good intentions are expressed to execute projects, but such a projection is only achieved with availability of anticipated financial resources, which are indeed not favourable to us within the period in references by the PDP.

We concludes that the PDP’s statements are more of hypes aimed at distracting the attention of both the State government and the general public away from the reality of our times, and while we urge for the public to discard its, we also hope and pray that both the unfortunate killings as well as the monster of Corronavirus pandemic, will soon be overcome.

We enjoy all to continue to adhere to health experts advises and all safety nets against the COVID-19.

Malam Bashir Musa Sati,
State Secretary, Dip law, LL.B (Honours),

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APC Replies PDP: Between Facts and PDP’s Irrational Postulation

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.