The Resounding Success Of Plateau 2024 LG Polls: How Gov. Mutfwang, PLASIEC Sets The Pace; Making Plateau a Beacon Of Hope For Nigeria.

By Dan Kwada

October 18, 2024

When Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau, Inaugurated members of the State Independent Election Commission (PLASIEC on Monday June 10, 2024, he made a commitment that it is the beginning of a new dawn in the annals of PLASIEC and charged the appointees to uphold the tenets of democracy through free, fair and credible elections and assured that his administration would not interfere in its activities.

“I want to assure Plateau people that we will raise the bar of credible and reputable local government elections; we will ensure that true democracy takes place at the local levels”.

Governor Mutfwang went ahead to disclose that it is the reason why he carefully selected such calibre of persons in the committee, particularly the chairman, Mr Plangji Cishak, who has been in the business of conducting elections for many years.I am sure, not many believe him then and I don’t blame anyone because they believed and made references that it would be the same old story, just like it was during the last two local Government elections on the Plateau, which they described as the most shameful, disgraceful local Government elections and one that gave Plateau a bad name.

Today, the October 9th Local Government Election In Plateau State has come and gone and it’s been described as a watershed moment in Plateau history as Governor Mutfwang continues to receive praises for his leadership and unwavering commitments, for keeping his promise for a free, fair and credible election, making it the first time citizens voices was truly heard within the last 8 years in Plateau.No doubt, It is a new era of Transparency and accountability as Governor Mutfwang’s Vision for a better and united Plateau has inspired hope in the hearts of citizens, making Plateau a beacon of hope for Nigeria, showcasing the possibility of conducting credible and trustworthy elections.

This milestone wouldn’t have been a reality and the success of it can be attributed to the collective efforts of the PLASIEC team, under the leadership of Mr Plangji Cishak for setting the pace, Conducting the polls in line with legal provisions despite the time frame, fostering a conducive atmosphere for the elections.

Before the elections, PLASIEC had embarked on assessment tours of the 17 Local Government Areas to ascertain the level of preparedness and maintain transparency. The commission’s chairman, Plangji Cishak, led these visits, emphasizing the importance of free and credible polls. These tours also provided an opportunity for stakeholders, including traditional rulers, political party leaders, religious leaders, civil society groups, and security agencies, to pledge their support and commitment to the commission’s success.

The engagements of Civil society organizations, Media, Security Political Parties, National Orientation Agency (NOA)and other critical Stakeholders by PLASIEC played a significant role in sensitizing and engaging the People ahead of the Plateau 2024 local government election.

The commitments and support byNotable civil society organizations like the Yiaga Africa, Centre for Peace Sustainability and Social Justice Tolerance (CPSST) and Project n19, Centre for the Advocacy of Justice and Rights (CAJR) helped foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among stakeholders, contributing to the election’s success as well as playing a significant role in promoting democratic governance and civic engagement in Plateau State.Perhaps, the Game-Changer in the October 9th Local Government Election in Plateau State is the introduction of the Voters Verification Software (VVS) by PLASIEC, the very first of its kind in the history of Local Government Polls in Plateau and Nigeria, an innovative technology which revolutionized electoral processes in Plateau, ensuring accuracy of voter information, prevented electoral malpractices, and promoted transparency during the exercise.The Appreciation cannot be complete without acknowledging and commending Plateau Citizens (Kudos) for their impressive turnout and active participation in the Election, their commitment to democracy and civic engagement is truly commendable. By coming out in mass, they have demonstrated their desire for peaceful and credible elections, setting a shining example for others to follow.The combined efforts the People of Plateau have paid off, as the election’s triumph demonstrates the strength of cohesion and resolve. They should be pleased of the fact that their involvement made sure the people’s will won out.

Citizens active engagement has paved the way for a brighter future for Plateau State. Keep up the good work, and continue to make your voices heard.

Most importantly, the election’s success has fostered a sense of hope and renewal in Plateau State and Governor Mutfwang has already sworn in the 17 newly elected chairmen, charged them to be accountable and transparent during their tenure.

Perhaps this signals a new beginning for Plateau State, with the potential for increased public engagement and democratic participation in future elections; however, citizens’ ballots can now be counted in Local Government Elections, unlike in the past.

As the newly elected officials begin their tenure, they are poised to address the state’s pressing challenges and work towards a brighter future for all citizens inline with The TIME IS NOW agenda of Gov. Caleb Mutfwang’s administration in Plateau State.

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The Resounding Success Of Plateau 2024 LG Polls: How Gov. Mutfwang, PLASIEC Sets The Pace; Making Plateau a Beacon Of Hope For Nigeria.

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.

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