Plateau Social Media Day Celebration: Citizens Urged to Use Social Media More Responsibly

As the World Social Media Day is commemorated globally, Citizens of Plateau State have been charged to use social Media platforms more responsibly and effectively.

Mr. Gyang Bere the Director of Press and Public Affairs (DOPPA) to the Executive Governor of Plateau State made the admonition on Saturday 29th June, 2024 during the maiden edition of the Plateau Social Media Day organized by Assistants to the Governor of Plateau State on Media with the theme “Uniting the Digital Space to support Governor Mutfwang’s Good Governance Strides and Peace Efforts in Plateau State”
Gyang Bere disclosed that the social media has come to stay hence the need for the people to embrace the platforms and use same rightly.
He called on the citizens to put the social media to good use to change the negative narratives about the State.
He urged them to be deliberate and objective in the utilisation of social media for peaceful coexistence, wealth creation and development. He expressed displeasure over the negative use of the social media.
“You are expected to use the social media as a tool for development and communicating government policies and programmes” he admonished the Organizers.

He further stressed that in using the social media, users should be cautious of national security and ensure they portray the State in good light to attract investments which in turn will translate to greater development.
He highlighted some laudable achievements of Governor Mutfwang and drummed support for the present administration in the State assuring the People that the Governor have plans to better the State and lives of the Citizens.
He urged the Citizens to support the government in its efforts to reposition the State and regain its lost glory.

The Director General of the Plateau State Information and Communication Technology Development Agency (PICTDA), Mr. Datong Dominic Gwaman harped on the need for responsible use of the social media and ensuring that messages published are truthful and geared towards unity, development and prosperity of the State and Nation.

On his part, the Director General of the Plateau State Environmental Protection and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA), Hon. Samuel Dapiya hinted that social media should be used deliberately and effectively to build the society and not tear it down.
In his words “Social Media plays a vital role in literacy and waste management practices.
“As a teacher, I have taken full advantage of social media to promote every single activity executed by the agency. It’s a tool that some of us leverage because it’s more affordable than conventional media and allows us to reach a wider audience.
“Beyond conventional media, we will continue to highlight the excellent work of the Executive Government of Plateau State through social media”
He said his Agency is committed to keeping Plateau State clean.

Highlight of the event was a Peace Walk from Secretariat Junction Flyover Yakubu Gowon Way to the Newly Completed National Library to Abattoir Road.

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Plateau Social Media Day Celebration: Citizens Urged to Use Social Media More Responsibly

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.

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