COVID-19: Plateau Reactivates Total Lockdown, Impressive Compliance Achieved

As the Government of Plateau State continue to intensify efforts and putting measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the reactivation of the total lockdown recorded remarkable compliance in the State Capital and other Local Government.

In areas visited by Viewpoint Nigeria Crew such as Rayfield, Dadin Kowa, Zarmaganda, Hwolshe, Yingi, Gyel, Zawan, Kuru and Vom all in Jos South as well as Kwallak, Hoss, Sopp and Forest area in Riyom LGA, the roads were deserted and streets were also empty. Persons seen were those at the checkpoints and those on essential duties as specified by the State Governor, Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong in his State Broadcast of 15th April, 2020.

Gov. Lalong had relaxed the total lockdown in the State to enable people restock and carryout some activities from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th April, 2020 after which total lockdown was reactivated today and expected to last till Thursday 23rd April, 2020.

The Governor has appealed to citizens in the State to adhere strictly to the safety and preventive measures and government directives aimed at preventing the scourge.

When asked what made the impressive compliance possible, the Management Committee Chairman of Riyom LGC, Hon. Mafeng Gwallson said there was high level of sensitization and information dissemination in the area.

He lauded the people for complying with the order calling on them to adhere to all safety, preventive and precautionary guidelines given by health experts to prevent and contain the scourge.

Worthy of note in enforcing compliance with the lockdown directive were Nigerian Police, NSCDC, VGN and Neighbourhood Watch who were seen manning checkpoints in the areas visited.

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COVID-19: Plateau Reactivates Total Lockdown, Impressive Compliance Achieved

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.