COVID-19: Gov. Lalong Orders Distribution of Palliatives

By Golok Nanmwa,Jos

Plateau state Government on Wednesday said that it is set to give out palliatives to the most vulnerable and weak in the state .

Governor Simon Lalong made this known at a state broadcast in the state .

He said he appreciates the sacrifices the people of the state have continued to make since the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic and the measures taken to address it.

He said ” We are not blind to the hardship and inconveniences this emergency has caused.”

Lalong said Government having constituted a committee headed by the Deputy Governor, Prof. Sonni Tyoden, has directed the immediate commencement of the distribution of palliatives to the most vulnerable and weak amongst us.

In his words ” Let me clarify that these palliatives, which will in due course also be complemented by the Federal Government, are strictly for the needy. Already, about sixty one thousand, six hundred and sixteen (61,616) beneficiaries of the National Social Investment Programme under the N-Power, Poorest of the Poor and School Feeding Programme have been receiving their stipends based on President Buhari’s directive.

Lalong said These are not people that should be looking forward to any other palliatives because they are already being taken care of.

He said Similarly, workers who are receiving salaries as and when due should not expect to partake from the palliatives. Let us consider the truly vulnerable ones at this period he added

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COVID-19: Gov. Lalong Orders Distribution of Palliatives

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.