Hon. Timothy Dantong Encourage Christians at Easter, Optimistic COVID-19 Pandemic Will be Overcome


Hallelujah, He is alive and risen from the death.

On behalf of my family and good people of Riyom Constituency, I felicitate with all Christians on the occasion of the most significant aspect of Christianity, the resurrection of the Saviour of Mankind, Jesus Christ.

Today, we are commemorating and celebrating the unconditional love of God to mankind.

Our salvation is achieved by God’s redemption plan through the death and resurrection of Christ.

Just as Christ was able to overcome death, so shall we overcome this trying moment of COVID-19 pandemic.

I call on us to adhere strictly to all preventive measures and directives put in place by health experts and government aimed at stemming the monstrous coronavirus.

May the Love of God reflect in our lives continually.

Happy Celebration.

Hon. Timothy Dantong
Member, Riyom Constituency and Chairman House Committee on Housing and Urban Development

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Hon. Timothy Dantong Encourage Christians at Easter, Optimistic COVID-19 Pandemic Will be Overcome

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.