Hon. Fom Gwottson Sends Message of Hope to Christians at Easter Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic


Ordinarily, it may seem difficult to say Happy Easter Celebration at a season where there is a global lockdown due to ravaging effects of Covid-19 epidemic. Economic activities are crumbled, life seems static: people are home, majority without foods and basic amenities of life. Living seems difficult and tough. But amidst this, there is still reassuring grace that we are all going to come out stronger.

Our Lord Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation and emergence from the darkness of this world to his very marvelous light. And this is the assurance of our hope and that is what we should celebrate for without God we can by ourselves do nothing. As it is written: by strength shall no man prevail

I wish to stand on this foundation laid by our Lord God Almighty to wish you – my very good people, friends, colleagues, religious leaders, political mentors, kinsmen and family an amazing Easter celebration.

Its my prayer that the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus will quicken our mortal bodies unto perfect health and shield us from this pandemic.

As your friend, brother and representative at the State House of Assembly, I encourage you to observe the directives of the NCDC, stay safe and observe social distancing. By God’s special grace I am sure we shall all come out stronger as a people, a state and nation.

I am of high hope that our governments at all levels have learnt obvious lessons from this development of this epidemics and will assess our value needs in giving adequate attentions to matters of high ranking priority especially in health care delivery, security of life and property and education of our people.

Be assured I will contribute my quota in repositioning government and governance process for the mutual growth and development of our people and dear state.

Please stay safe.

Gwottson Dalyop Fom
Member, Jos South State Constituency

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Hon. Fom Gwottson Sends Message of Hope to Christians at Easter Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.