Plateau PDP Says State Precarious and Bedeviled by Failed Leadership


APRIL 4th 2020.

Press statement.


Our dear Plateau state is at present in a precarious state. Despite the danger our people are facing as a result of this corona pandemic, our people have been subjected to attack everyday by the unknown Fulani herder’s without efforts from the state government to protect the people or to arrest the criminals.

As at today no arrest has been made. With this, the people of plateau are at present living in danger as a result of lethargic behavior from the Governor in both fight against herders and this current dreaded virus, the attitude displayed by the APC and and top government officials does not reflect the reality of what other states are doing in safeguarding its citizens across political divides. This must change.

Last week the Governor invited stakeholders for a briefing, we were shocked that at this critical time where all hands must be on deck, we were made to understand that only APC members were invited to be briefed on measures taken by government to stop the possible spread of this virus which is a thing of great concern to the entire world without any segregation. With this attitude, Governor Lalong has not demonstrated expected visibility and inclusiveness to give hope and direction as well as to continue protecting life’s and properties of our dear people particularly the defenseless people at the rural areas who are being attacked constantly by suspected Fulani herders & who also solely rely on government not a political partyfor its health care & enlightenment.

It is evidently and soundly clear that the government of Lalong and the APC has failed to douse the already existing public apprehension at this difficult time when the public space is awash with uncertainties, the government and the APC in the state have not shown genuine leadership in the fight against the enemies of the people who are killing us everyday, and also this current unseen but dreaded pandemic virus. Instead, we see them in what seems like a cat walk competition on a runway, like bulimic models seeking for attention and approval from hapless demoralized plateau people.

The failure of this present APC leadership has continued to endanger the lives of our people with a clear manifestation that the APC and Governor Lalong are only interested in their party, because that is the only virus they know and understand which has infected their thinking faculty to the extent that they only think of what matters to them and who gets protected from COVID 19 and herders must be APC members.What a pity!

We are shocked by the presentation made by the APC economic team at what was supposed to be a general stakeholders meeting on COVID 19 awareness by Governor Lalong on proactive measures taken by government to stop the spread of coronavirus eg where the isolation centre is located in the state etc but APC members were invited to project his performance, at the time the Governor is supposed to save life’s (Haba jama’a).As expected and to the publics greatest amazement his invited team was able to project his performance to be at 25% for the year 2020

Our worry as a party with this projection is that even when there was no Coronavirus ( COVID 19) in the year 2016, 2017 , 2018 to 2019, Governor Lalong performed below 25%.

The question is…how will a government with poor budget implementation for the past four(4) years succeed?

The poor implementation of budget for the past four years is enough evidence that the APC has failed and will continue to fail in the next three coming years.

The leadership of the people’s Democratic party, under Hon Yakubu Gwott Chocho, advises the APC leadership at this critical time to shun political scheming aimed at scoring cheap political sympathy and join hands with well meaning stakeholders in the state to fight this scourge and the continuous killings of our dear people in the state. As a party we are optimistic that despite such clear manifest of collective leadership failure at this critical time from APC and its government, our party is confident that we shall overcome these challenges.

We call on the good and resilient plateau men, women, youth and children not to be overcome by fear and anxiety but to remain heedful to personal hygiene and social distancing regulations as well as extend charity to one another, while also praying for divine intervention from God Almighty at this perilous time.

We know that the loss of positive things have changed against our wellbeing and is still changing to that direction right now. But what hasn’t changed is our commitment to serving and defending you rightly as a party.

Signed. J. T . Akans, ksm, FICA.

State publicity secretary ( PDP)
Plateau state.

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Plateau PDP Says State Precarious and Bedeviled by Failed Leadership

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.